Pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap brand image dan positive word of mouth dimediasi oleh brand trust pada perusahaan perbankan

Oleh : Safira Hanun Amira

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 022002106502

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2023

Pembimbing 1 : Fatik Rahayu

Subyek : Product management;Marketing -- Management

Kata Kunci : brand trust; brand image; corporate social responsibility; positive word of mouth.

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Halaman-Judul.pdf 11
2. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 6
3. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 7
4. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf 10
5. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Bab-3_Metode-Penelitian.pdf 14
6. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Bab-4_Hasil-dan-Pembahasan.pdf 15
7. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Bab-5_Simpulan-dan-Saran.pdf 4
8. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 3
9. 2023_TA_SMJ_022002106502_Lampiran.pdf 20

T Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa pengaruh Corporate Social Responsibilityterhadap Brand Image dan Positive Word of Mouth yang dimediasi oleh Brand Trust.Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan “purposive sampling”dengan kriteria responden adalah individu yang merupakan nasabah perusahaan bankyang memiliki penerapan corporate social responsibility. Penelitian ini menggunakandata primer yang diperoleh melalui kuesioner yang didistrubisikan kepada 258responden. Data dianalisis menggunakan SEM yang dijalankan oleh program AMOS.Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Corporate Social Responsibility berpengaruhpositif dan signifikan terhadap Brand Trust, (2) Brand Trust berpengaruh positif dansignifikan terhadap Brand Image, (3) Brand Trust berpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap Positive Word of Mouth, (4) Corporate Social Responsibility berpengaruhpositif terhadap Brand Image melalui Brand Trust, (5) Corporate SocialResponsibility berpengaruh positif terhadap Positive Word of Mouth melalui BrandTrust.

T The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of Corporate Social Responsibilityon Brand Image and Positive Word of Mouth, mediated by Brand Trust. The samplingtechnique used in this study is "purposive sampling" with respondents selected basedon the criteria of being bank customers who experience the implementation ofcorporate social responsibility. The research collected primary data throughquestionnaires distributed to 258 respondents. The data were analyzed using StructuralEquation Modeling (SEM) performed by the AMOS program. The results of this studyare as follows: (1) Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive and significantinfluence on Brand Trust, (2) Brand Trust has a positive and significant influence onBrand Image, (3) Brand Trust has a positive and significant influence on Positive Wordof Mouth, (4) Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive influence on Brand Imagethrough Brand Trust, (5) Corporate Social Responsibility has a positive influence onPositive Word of Mouth through Brand Trust.

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