Anteseden dari brand loyalty dan repurchase intention
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi anteseden dari brand loyaltydan repurchase intention. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkankuesioner kepada 170 responden responden yang telah menggunakan smartphone,dan melakukan pembelian smartphone dalam kurun sekurang – kurangnya 1 tahunsekali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode non probability sampling, dengan analisisdata menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM) pada program AMOS 26 danSPSS 24.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa perceived ease of use, systemquality, visual design, dan technology consciousness mempengaruhi brand loyalty.Perceived irreplaceability, system quality, visual design, technology consciousness,dan brand loyalty mempengaruhi repurchase intention. Hasil penelitian inimenunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat pengaruh perceived ease of use pada brand loyaltydan tidak terdapat pengaruh perceived irreplaceability terhadap repurchase intention.
T This Research aims to explore the antecedent of brand loyalty and repurchaseintention. The collection of data is done by spreading the questionnaire to the 170respondents who have used the smartphone, and made a smartphone purchase in theleast 1 year. This research used non probability sampling methods, with dataanalysis using Structural Equation Model (SEM) on the AMOS 26 program andSPSS 24.The results of this research show that perceived ease of use, system quality,visual design, and technology consciousness affect the brand loyalty. Perceivedirreplaceability, System quality, visual design, technology consciousness, and brandloyalty affect the repurchase intention. The results showed that there was noinfluence perceived ease of use on the brand loyalty and there was no influenceperceived irreplaceability against repurchase intention.