Evaluasi penanganan batubara di stockpile, PT Sarana Alloy Casting, Jakarta Barat


Oleh : Andri Mashadi Trinugroho

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 300/TT/2016

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2016

Pembimbing 1 : Chairul Nas

Pembimbing 2 : Masagus A.A.

Subyek : Coal Mines And Mining

Kata Kunci : STOCKPILE

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_BAB-I.pdf 6
2. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_Halaman-Judul.pdf 17
3. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_BAB-II-.pdf 17
4. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_BAB-III.pdf 26
5. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_BAB-IV-.pdf 7
6. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_BAB-V-.pdf
7. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_BAB-VI-.pdf
8. 2016_TA_TB_073100047_BAB-VII.pdf 2

S Sebagai bahan bakar peleburan aluminium, kualitas batubara mempunyai peranan penting, khusus nya pada kadar abu dan kandungan air total. Namun, kondisi stockpile yang tidak ideal dapat menyebabkan perubahan terhadap kadar abu dan kandungan air total. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode komparatif untuk mengetahui hasil perbandingan uji analisis kualitas batubara yang tiba di stockpile hingga sebelum proses peleburan. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapat perubahan kadar abu pada sampel 5.1 sebesar 0,6%, sampel 5.2 sebesar 2,04%, dan 5.3 sebesar 3,28%, dan sampel 5.4 sebesar 2.01%. Sedangkan untuk kandungan air total sampel 5.1 sebesar 1,16 %, sampel 5.2 sebesar 2,01%, sampel 5.3 sebesar 2,41 %, dan sampel 5.4 sebesar 5,55%. Faktor yang mempengaruhi perubahan kadar abu dan kandungan air total pada stockpile disebabkan oleh batubara yang terkontaminasi dengan material non batubara, lamanya penyimpanan batubara di stockpile, kondisi lingkungan stockpile, adanya rembesan air, tidak adanya house keeping dan sistem First In First Out pada stockpile.

A Aluminum smelting as a fuel, coal quality has an important role, especially on the ash content and total moisture. However, the conditions were not ideal stockpile could cause changes to the ash content and a total moisture. This study uses a comparative method to determine the results of comparative testing of coal quality analysis which arrived in the stockpile until the earlier of the smelting process. From these results obtained changing levels of ash in the sample 5.1 by 0.6%, sample 5.2 by 2.04%, sample 5.3 by 3.28%, and sample 5.4 by 2.01%. As for the total moisture sample 5.1 by 1,16%, samples 5.2 by 2.01%, sample 5.3 by 2.41% and sample 5.4 by 5.55%. Factors affecting the change of ash content and total moisture caused by the stockpile of coal contaminated with material non-coal, coal stockpile storage duration, environmental conditions stockpile, the water seepage, no house keeping and system first in first out in the stockpile.

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