Analisis pengaruh jarak dari batas ambrukan terhadap potensi burst di level ekstraksi tambang bawah tanah DMLZ PT Freeport Indonesia Mimika, Papua
F Fenomena bursting yaitu semburan batuan pecah yang terjadi secaratiba-tiba pada lubang bukaan tambang bawah tanah Deep Mill Level Zone perludiantisipasi dengan memprediksi daerah keterjadian agar dapat diminimalisir.Berdasarkan perolehan data, kerusakan sedalam 0,5 - 2,2 meter, data displacement0 - 180 milimeter pada daerah 0 - 40 meter dari batas ambrukan akibatterdeformasinya batuan terus menerus akibat terpapar tegangan terdahulu(overstress) dengan prediksi potensi sedikit burst (less burstprone), sedangkandaerah 40 – 120 meter dari batas ambrukan didapatkan data kerusakan sedalam0,5 - 1,5 meter, displacement sedalam 0 – 30 milimeter. Keadaan batuan yangmasih dikatakan kompak sehingga area ini perlu diantisipasi berpotensi burstdimana keadaan aktivitas seismik sering terjadi yaitu dengan memperhatikanfaktor bulking yang diperoleh dengan range 2-18% di DMLZ saat melakukanrehabilitasi penyanggaan pada daerah berpotensi
B Bursting phenomena, which are burstsing of rock that occur suddenly inthe drift of underground mine, Deep Mill Level Zone need to be anticipated bypredicting areas of occurrence in order to be minimized. Based on dataacquisition, the damage is as deep as 0,5 – 2,2 meters, the displacement data is 0- 180 milimeters in the 0 - 40 meters area from the caveline due to continuousdeformation of the rock so that it exceeds due to exposure to overstress with littlepredictive potential burst, while the area of 40 – 120 meters from the cavelinelimit obtained damage data as deep as 0,5 – 1,5 meters, displacement as deep as 0– 30 milimeters. The state of the rock that is still compact so that this area needsto be anticipated to potentially burst where the state of seismic activity oftenoccurs, namely by paying attention to the bulking factors obtained in the range of2 - 18% at DMLZ when carrying out rehabilitation of support in potential areas