Pengaruh motivation, work environment,psychological empowerment terhadap employee engagement pada karyawan hotel mercure.
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Motivation, Work Environment, Psychological Empowerment terhadap Employee Engagement Pada Karyawan Hotel Mercure. Penelitian ini menggunakan responden sebanyak 175 karyawan perusahaan dari Cabang Jakarta. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional, serta teknik pengambilan sampel secara purposive sampling dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan penyebaran kuesioner melalui Google Form. Penelitian ini menggunakan simple linear regression analysis dan pengolahan datanya menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dengan software SPSS 22. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa Motivation memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Employee Engagement, Work Environment memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Employee Engagement, Psychological Empowerment memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap Employee Engagement. Dari hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan bagi manajemen perusahaan untuk memotivasi karyawan dalam meningkatkan Employee Engagement, serta memberikan dukungan berupa apresiasi terhadap karyawan yang telah menciptakan inovasi dan menunjukkan loyalitasnya terhadap tujuan perusahaan.
T This research aims to analyze the effect of Motivation, Work Environment, Psychological Empowerment on Employee Engagement in Mercure Hotel Employees. This study used respondents as many as 175 company employees from the Jakarta Branch. This research is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional approach, and the sampling technique is purposive sampling and data collection is done by distributing questionnaires via Google Form. This research uses simple linear regression analysis and data processing using simple regression analysis with SPSS 22 software. The results of hypothesis testing show that Motivation has a positive influence on Employee Engagement, Work Environment has a positive influence on Employee Engagement, Psychological Empowerment has a positive influence on Employee Engagement. It is hoped that the results of this research can provide input for company management to motivate employees to improve Employee Engagement, as well as provide support in the form of appreciation for employees who have created innovations and shown their loyalty to the company\\\'s goals