Pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty: peran mediasi brand love dan moderasi brand trust
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty: yang dimediasi oleh brand love dan dimoderasi oleh brand loyalty. Data diperoleh dengan mendistribusikan kuesioner secara offline sebanyak 100 responden dan online sebanyak 170 responden melalui Google Form yang disebarkan di media sosial seperti Instagram, Line, X dan WhatsApp, dengan total responden yang terkumpul sebanyak 270 responden. Non-probability sampling dipilih sebagai metode penarikan sampel yang digunakan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Model (SEM) dan dengan bantuan software AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat pengaruh positif brand experience terhadap brand love, terdapat pengaruh positif brand experience dan brand love terhadap brand loyalty, Brand love memediasi pengaruh brand experience terhadap brand loyalty, Brand trust memoderasi pengaruh brand experience dan brand love, Brand trust memoderasi pengaruh brand experience dan brand loyalty. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat menambahkan variabel yang diduga dapat mempengaruhi variabel brand loyalty seperti variabel customer satisfaction
T This study aims to analyze the influence of brand experience on brand loyalty, mediated by brand love and moderated by brand trust. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires offline to 100 respondents and online to 170 respondents via Google Forms, which were shared on social media platforms such as Instagram and WhatsApp, resulting in a total of 270 respondents. Non-probability sampling was chosen as the sampling method used. The data analysis technique employed was Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the assistance of AMOS software. The results of the study indicate that brand experience positively influence brand love, brand experience and brand love positively influence brand loyalty, brand love mediates the influence of brand experience towards brand loyalty, brand trust moderates the influence of brand experience towards brand love, brand trust moderates the influence of brand experience towards brand loyalty