Analisis kualitas air Situ Tipar di Kota Depok
S Situ Tipar memiliki fungsi sebagai pengendali banjir, daerah resapan air, dan rekreasi. Banyaknya kegiatan yang ada di sekitar situ dapat mempengaruhi kualitas air di Situ Tipar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sumber pencemar yang masuk ke dalam situ, menganalisis kualitas air situ, dan menganalisis status mutu air Situ Tipar. Penelitian ini berdasarkan data hasil kualitas air Situ Tipar di Tahun 2017-2019. Parameter yang diukur ada yaitu suhu, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), nitrat, fosfat dan E.coli yang dibandingkan dengan baku mutu menurut Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 22 Tahun 2021 peruntukkan kelas 2. Status mutu air dihitung menggunakan metode Indeks Kualitas Air National Sanitation Foundation (IKA-NSF). Dari data yang diperoleh pada tahun 2017-2019 kualitas air Situ Tipar adalah suhu berkisar 28,2-32,2 oC, TSS berkisar 5-11 mg/L, pH berkisar 7, 21-8,33, BOD berkisar 5,41-54,2 mg/L, COD berkisar 13,8-433,4 mg/L, DO berkisar 3,2-3,60 mg/L, Fosfat berkisar 0,069-0,063 mg/L, Nitrat berkisar 0,32-2,52 mg/L, dan Fecal Coliform/ E.coli berkisar 79-160000/100 ml. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapat Parameter BOD, COD, fosfat, dan E-coli tidak memenuhi baku mutu. Nilai Indeks Kualitas Air Situ Tipar sebesar 54,31 yang menunjukkan status mutu perairan situ termasuk dalam tercemar sedang
S Situ Tipar has a function as a flood control, water catchment area, and recreation. The number of activities in the vicinity can affect the water quality in Situ Tipar. The purpose of this study is to analyze the sources of pollutants that enter the lake, analyze the water quality of the lake, and analyze the status of the water quality of the Tipar Lake. This research is based on data on the results of Situ Tipar water quality in 2017-2019. The parameters measured were temperature, Total Suspended Solid (TSS), pH, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), nitrate, phosphate and E.coli which were compared with quality standards according to the Regulations. Government Number 22 Year 2021 designation class 2. Water quality status is calculated using the National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (IKA-NSF) method. From the data obtained in 2017-2019 the water quality of Situ Tipar is the temperature ranges from 28.2-32.2 oC, TSS ranges from 5-11 mg/L, pH ranges from 7.21-8.33, BOD ranges from 5.41- 54.2 mg/L, COD ranged from 13.8-433.4 mg/L, DO ranged from 3.2-3.60 mg/L, Phosphate ranged from 0.069-0.063 mg/L, Nitrates ranged from 0.32-2, 52 mg/L, and Fecal Coliform/E.coli ranged from 79-160000/100 ml. From the results of this study, the parameters BOD, COD, phosphate, and E-coli did not meet the quality standards. The value of the Tipar Situ Water Quality Index is 54.31 which indicates the quality status of the in situ waters is classified as moderately polluted.