Model penilaian kinerja pegawai pada perusahaan layanan jasa survei dengan menggunakan analytical hierarchy process dan naïve bayes
Nomor Panggil : 2013_TS_MTI_1630120000010
Subyek : Employees--Rating of
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Pembimbing 1 : Winnie Septiani
Pembimbing 2 : Rahmi Maulidya
Kata Kunci : assessment, employee performance, naïve Bayes, 360 degree feedback
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Halaman-Judul..pdf | ||
2. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf |
7. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf | 2 | |
8. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2023_TS_MTI_163012000001_Lampiran.pdf |
P Penilaian kinerja pegawai perusahaan layanan jasa survei menghasilkan nilai akhir yang tidaksesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan dalam menjawab tantangan dan tuntutan eksternal.Penilaian eksisting masih menggunakan 180 Degree Feedback sehingga membuat gap antaramodel eksisting dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, perusahaan harus memperbaikimodel penilaian agar memiliki alat untuk mendapatkan pegawai berkualifikasi tinggi. Tujuanpenelitian untuk mendapatkan model penilaian kinerja pegawai yang lebih efektif danmengevaluasi model tersebut agar dapat diimplementasikan. Batasan penelitian terletak padapenggunaan data pegawai PKWT dengan jabatan Project Manager. Metode AHP dan NaïveBayes akan digunakan untuk mendapatkan bobot variabel. Pendekatan 360 Degree Feedbackakan digunakan dalam penilaian variabel Rekapitulasi Kompetensi Perilaku. Fokus analisispenelitian ini menghasilkan penambahan variabel penilaian berdasarkan penilaian respondendan diperoleh AKHLAK sebagai variabel baru yang dianggap sesuai dengan kebutuhanperusahaan dan wujud kepatuhan terhadap arahan KBUMN. Klasifikasi variabel penilaianyang dilakukan sesuai dengan Permen BUMN No. PER-7/MBU/09/2022 bahwa penilaiankinerja didasarkan pada performa dan perilaku pegawai. Dampak dari penambahan variabelbaru dan klasifikasi variabel penilaian mengakibatkan perubahan baru pada formulasi danmekanisme penilaian kinerja yang diterapkan pada form baru penilaian kinerja pegawai. Skalaakhir penilaian berubah mengikuti Permen BUMN No. PER-7/MBU/09/2022 yaitu skalaTalent Classification yang dianggap mampu menggambarkan talent pegawai. Hasil verifikasidan validasi model menunjukkan bahwa model baru penilaian telah sesuai dengan kebutuhanperusahaan dan valid untuk diterapkan. Uji coba model dengan menggunakan data riil 3pegawai PKWT memberikan hasil penilaian akhir bahwa pegawai tersebut berada padakategori High Potential, sehingga dapat direkomendasikan untuk dipromosikan menjadipegawai tetap. Implementasi pendekatan 360 Degree Feedback pada penilaian RekapitulasiKompetensi Perilaku yang melibatkan atasan, pegawai yang dinilai, dan rekan kerja dianggaplebih efektif karena berlangsung secara transparan sehingga dinilai lebih adil dan dapatmemperkecil bias penilaian. Hasil tersebut dapat digunakan oleh HCD sebagai rekomendasiuntuk melihat kompetensi dan kinerja pegawai, sehingga model baru penilaian kinerja pegawaidapat diterapkan oleh perusahaan. Variabel penilaian AKHLAK dapat berubah seiring dengankebijakan perusahaan mengikuti arahan KBUMN dan dinamisme persaingan bisnis
A Assessment of the performance of employees of survey service companies produces final gradesthat are not in accordance with the company's needs in responding to external challenges anddemands. The existing assessment still uses 180 Degree Feedback so as to create a gap betweenthe existing model and the company's needs. Therefore, companies must improve the valuationmodel in order to have the tools to get highly qualified employees. The purpose of the study isto obtain a more effective employee performance assessment model and evaluate the model sothat it can be implemented. The limitation of the research lies in the use of data of PKWTemployees with the position of Project Manager. The AHP and Naïve Bayes methods will beused to obtain variable weights. The 360 Degree Feedback approach will be used in theassessment of the variables Recapitulation of Behavioral Competencies. The focus of thisresearch analysis resulted in the addition of assessment variables based on respondents'assessments and obtained AKHLAK as a new variable that was considered in accordance withcompany needs and a form of compliance with KBUMN directives. The classification ofassessment variables carried out is in accordance with the Minister of SOEs No. PER-7/MBU/09/2022 that performance assessment is based on employee performance andbehavior. The impact of adding new variables and classification of assessment variablesresulted in new changes to the formulation and mechanism of performance assessment appliedto the new form of employee performance assessment. The final scale of the assessment changesfollowing the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. PER-7/MBU/09/2022, namely theTalent Classification scale which is considered capable of describing employee talent. Theresults of model verification and validation show that the new assessment model is inaccordance with the company's needs and is valid to be implemented. The model trial usingreal data of 3 PKWT employees provided the final assessment results that these employeeswere in the High Potential category, so they could be recommended to be promoted topermanent employees. The implementation of the 360 Degree Feedback approach in theassessment of Behavioral Competency Recapitulation involving superiors, assessed employees,and colleagues is considered more effective because it takes place transparently so that it isconsidered fairer and can minimize assessment bias. These results can be used by HCD asrecommendations to see employee competence and performance, so that a new model ofemployee performance assessment can be applied by the company. AKHLAK assessmentvariables can change along with company policies following KBUMN directions and thedynamism of business competition.