Perancangan model pengukuran kinerja fungsi operasi produksi dengan pendekatan Analytical Hierarchy Process di PT. Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba


Oleh : Cendy Fauzan Rachman

Info Katalog

Subyek : Production control

Penerbit : FTI - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2020

Pembimbing 1 : Triwulandari

Kata Kunci : performance measurement, criteria and sub criteria, key performance index, ahp (analytical hierarchy

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Halaman-Judul.pdf 11
2. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 3
3. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf 6
4. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf 2
6. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Bab-4_Analisis-dan-Pembahasan.pdf 23
7. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Bab-5_Kesimpulan.pdf
8. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 1
9. 2020_TA_MTI_163151007_Lampiran.pdf

S Seiring dengan waktu, menghadapi dinamika perubahan di industri minyak dan gas nasional maupun global, pemerintah menerapkan UU No 22 Tahun 2001. Pasca penerapan UU tersebut, Pertamina memiliki kedudukan yang sama dengan perusahaan minyak lainnya. PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba merupakan salah satu dari lapangan dari PT Pertamina EP yang berlokasi di Sumatera Selatan.PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba memiliki beberapa departemen, salahsatunya adalah Departemen Operasi Produksi. PT. Pertamina EP menerapkanmodel Management By Objective (MBO) sejak 2010. MBO berdasar padapemikiran bahwa banyaknya jenjang dalam perusahaan yang perlu terintegrasi,yaitu kebutuhan akan komitmen, tanggung jawab dan kedewasaan. Dalam hal inipenentuan KPI fungsi Operasi Produksi PT Pertamina EP Field Ramba sama sudahsesuai dengan acuan yang ada, dan semua sudah memenuhi aspek Financial,Operasional, Business development/ customer satisfaction dan people management.Pada kriteria people management dimana pada kriteria ini untuk memasukankriteria fungsi lain (lintas fungsi), ada fungsi yang belum termasuk yaitu SupplyChain Management (SCM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode AnalyticalHierarchy Process (AHP) untuk membantu penentuan kriteria KPI yang perluditambahkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada kriteria peoplemanagement sub kriteria sebelumnya adalah Inisiatif Fungsi (7.8%), HSSEExcelence (9.6%) dan sub kriteria baru yaitu Purchase Price Variance (2.6). Hasil verifikasi pada model tersebut menunjukkan model dapat digunakan sebagai penilaian. Hasil

O Over time, facing the dynamics of change in the national and global oil and gasindustry, the government adopted Law No. 22/2001. After the adoption of the Act,Pertamina has the same position as other oil companies. PT Pertamina EP Asset 1Ramba Field is one of the fields of PT Pertamina EP, located in South Sumatra. PTPertamina EP Asset 1 Field Ramba has several departments, one of which is theProduction Operations Department. PT. Pertamina EP has implemented theManagement By Objective (MBO) model since 2010. MBO is based on the idea thatthere are many levels in a company that need to be integrated, namely the need forcommitment, responsibility and maturity. In this case, the determination of the KPIof PT Pertamina EP Field Ramba's Production Operation function is the same asin accordance with the existing reference, and all have met the aspects of Financial,Operational, Business development / customer satisfaction and peoplemanagement. In the people management criteria where in this criterion to includeother function criteria (cross function), there is a function that is not yet included,namely Supply Chain Management (SCM). This study uses the Analytical HierarchyProcess (AHP) method to help determine the KPI criteria that need to be added.The results of this study indicate that the criteria for people management theprevious sub-criteria are the Initiative Function (7.8%), HSSE Excelence (9.6%)and the new sub-criteria namely Purchase Price Variance (2.6). Verification resultson the model show the model can be used as an assessment. The results of thevalidation on the model according to experts, basically can be used.

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