Analisis hasil uji sumur dengan metode jones blout dan glaze pada blok "X"


Oleh : Muhammad Dimas Adiguna

Info Katalog

Nomor Panggil : 134/TH/2018

Subyek : Drilling wells;Well test planning - Pressure build up analysis

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2018

Pembimbing 1 : M. Taufiq Fathadin

Pembimbing 2 : R. S. Trijana Kartoatmodjo

Kata Kunci : IPR Jones Blount and Glaze, pressure buildup test, pressure drawdown test, skin

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_BAB-1.pdf
3. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_BAB-2.pdf
4. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_BAB-3.pdf
5. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_BAB-4.pdf
6. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_BAB-5.pdf
7. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_DAFTAR-PUSTAKA.pdf
8. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_DAFTAR-SIMBOL.pdf
9. 2018_Tesis_MTP_171150013_Lampiran.pdf

A Analisis well test dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristiktik batuan reservoir, pada setiap uji well test didapatkan informasi seperti permeabilitas dan faktor skin. Faktor skin adalah suatu besaran yang menunjukkan terdapatnya gangguan pada formasi sebagai akibat dari operasi pemboran, operasi produksi, pelubangan casing, pemasangan gravel pack, pekerjaan remedial sumur, operasi pengasaman, operasi perekahan hydraulic.Objektif dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan hubungan metode IPR Jones Blount and Glaze dan hasil perbandingan antara analisa pressure buildup test dan analisa drawdown test, dengan menggunakan software Kappa dan perhitungan manual. Evaluasi dilakukan untuk menentukan pekerjaan lanjut atas sumur pada blok X. Data yang digunakan pada penulisan ini yaitu data sekunder, berupa hasil data well test tiga sumur. Pada metode horner, analisa drawdown test sumur A, sumur Y, dan Sumur Z mempunyai nilai skin factor berturut-turut sebesar 3.37; 27.10; dan -1.39. sedangkan analisa pressure buildup sumur A, sumur Y, dan Sumur Z mempunyai nilai factor skin berturut-turut sebesar 12.65; 11.18; dan -2.07. Pada metode type curve derivatives analisa drawdown test sumur A, sumur Y dan sumur Z mempunyai nilai factor skin berturut-turut sebesar 7.04; 11.18; dan 4.20. Analisa pressure buildup, sumur A, sumur Y dan sumur Z mempunyai nilai skin factor berturut-turut sebesar 25.11; 14.47; dan 1.93. Pada analisa menggunakan software sumur A, sumur Y, dan Sumur Z menunjukkan skin factor berturut-turut sebesar 5.56; 10.2; dan 2.00. Hasil skin factor menunjukkan bahwa ketiga sumur tersebut mengalami kerusakan pada formasi. Berdasarkan metode Jones Blount and Glaze didapatkan hasil plot antara Δp/q terhadap laju alir minyak (q) yaitu b’ tinggi dan b’/b rendah sehingga sumur tersebut mengalami kerusakan. Metode Jones, Blount, and Glaze maupun analisa buildup test dan analisa drawdown test pada blok X ini menunjukkan bahwa pada ketiga sumur perlu dilakukan stimulasi.

W Well test analysis was conducted to determine the characteristics of reservoir rocks, the well test obtained information such as permeability and skin factor. The skin factor is a quantity indicating the presence of disturbance in the formation as a result of drilling operations, production operations, puncture casing, gravel pack installation, remedial well work, acidicing operation, hydraulic fracture operation.The objective of this research is to determine the relationship of IPR method of Jones Blount and Glaze and the comparison result among pressure buildup test analysis, drawdown test analysis, and Kappa software. Therefore, in this paper will study the method of Jones Blount and Glaze and analysis of well test to determine that the well on block X will be done further work. The data used in this paper is secondary data, namely the results of well test from three wells.In Horner method, drawdown test of A, Y, and Z wells have skin factor value are 3.37; 27.10; and -1.39. Where in buildup pressure analysis of A, Y, and Z wells have skin factor value are 12.65; 11.18; and -2.07. In the method of type curve derivatives the drawdown analysis of A, Y, and Z wells have skin factor value are 7.04; 11.18; and 4.20. The analysis of pressure buildup, of A, Y, and Z wells have skin factor value are 25.11; 14.47; and 1.93. In the analysis using kappa software of A, Y, and Z wells have skin factor value are 5.56; 10.2; and 2.00. The skin results at these wells were obtained the indication damage in formation.Based on the method of Jones, Blount, and Glaze obtained plot results between Δp/q to oil flow rate (q) is b’ high and b’/b low, so the wells indicate formation damaged. The Jones Blount and Glaze method as well as the analysis of buildup test and drawdown test analysis in block X indicates that these wells need to be stimulated.

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