Artificial neural network prediction for heated water application to improve wait on cement

Oleh : Andoko Aribowo

Info Katalog

Subyek : Underwater drilling

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Rini Setiati

Pembimbing 2 : Muhammad Taufiq Fathaddin

Kata Kunci : Conductor Cementing, Latch-in adaptor, pre-heated native water, Subsea Wells, Top Hole Cementing, Wa

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Halaman-Judul.pdf 11
2. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Surat-Pernyataan-Revisi-Terakhir.pdf 6
3. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Surat-Hasil-Similaritas.pdf 1
4. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Halaman-Pernyataan-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Tugas-Akhir-untuk-Kepentingan-Akademis.pdf 1
5. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf 1
6. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Pernyataan-Orisinalitas.pdf 1
7. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Formulir-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Karya-Ilmiah.pdf 1
8. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Bab-1.pdf 4
9. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Bab-2.pdf 14
10. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Bab-3.pdf 6
11. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Bab-4.pdf 10
12. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Bab-5.pdf 1
13. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 3
14. 2024_TS_MTP_171012000004_Lampiran.pdf 1

T Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menyajikan penerapan pertama kalinya di perairan tropis mengenai metode unik dalam meningkatkan penyemenan sumur bawah laut lubang atas. Pengenalan adaptor kait unik untuk menusuk ke profil sepatu pelampung yang serasi menghilangkan jalur sepatu semen tradisional.Hasil operasional untuk pemasangan sumur bawah laut dengan menggunakan metode penyemenan yang unik ini juga memungkinkan penggunaan perpindahan volume annulus internal dari \\\"air asli yang telah dipanaskan sebelumnya\\\" antara konduktor dan rangkaian kerja bagian dalam setelah semen dipasang untuk mempercepat pengembangan kekuatan tekan awal. Metode yang digunakan mengurangi risiko operasional penyemenan tali konduktor menggunakan tali dalam adaptor latch-in BHA dan menghemat waktu rig yang berharga tanpa perlu mengebor jalur sepatu semen.Pekerjaan semen tali konduktor Diameter Luar 337 kaki kali 30 inci pada kedalaman air 388 kaki berhasil meskipun baru pertama kali diterapkan di wilayah tersebut. Sorotan mencakup persiapan apa yang disebut \\\"air asli yang dipanaskan sebelumnya\\\" menggunakan sistem rig yang tersedia dan mengatur suhu permukaan maksimum yang dapat dicapai sebesar 140°F (60°C),

T The objective of this study is to present for the first-time implementation in tropical waters a unique method in improving top hole subsea wells cementing. The introduction of unique latch-in adaptor to stab into matching float shoe profile eliminating traditional cement shoe track.The operational outcome for subsea wells deployment using this unique cementing method also enabled to utilize internal annulus volume displacement of \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" between conductor and inner work strings after cement had been in place to accelerate early compressive strength development. The employed method reduced operational risk of the conductor string cementing using latch-in adaptor inner string BHA and saved valuable rig times with no cement shoe track to be drilled out.The 337 feet of 30 inches Outside Diameter conductor string cement job at 388 feet water depth was a success despite its first implementation in the region. Highlights included preparation of the so called the \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" using available rig system and line up to maximum achievable surface temperature of 140°F (60°C), cement placement through the latch-in inner string BHA and internal annulus displacement from cold water to \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" to accelerate wait on cement time. The down hole temperature probe recorded a maximum 131°F (55°C) at top of conductor, which was roughly above double the seabed environmental temperature recorded by Remotely Operated Vehicle of 66-68°F (19-20°C) prior to cement placement at the mudline.The \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" generated circa 2 times more compressive strength of cement over 4.5 hours (200 psi) in comparison without the use of \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" displacement (100 psi in 6 hours). The rise in compressive strength development equaled to 1.5-hour WOC reduction to develop 100 psi in compressive strength in cement slurry at seabed.In addition to the above result, the 30″ conductor string stab-in float shoe was drilled between 35-45 minutes when compared to drilling out including intentionally left cement shoe track of around 20-35 feet, saving between 2 to 6 hours if compared to other subsea wells with conventional method.Data availability to this study when trying to compare other \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" temperatures was very limited due to limited use of this unique method. At the time of application in a 2- subsea well campaign the \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" used only 140°F (60°C) of surface achievable temperature. Due to this limitation, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model was selected with eight input parameters consisting of wellbore open hole diameter, conductor string outside diameter, formation thermal diffusivity, water thermal conductivity, water thermal diffusivity, cement density, bottom hole static temperature and bottom hole circulating temperature. The proposed ANN model validation gives good accuracy proved by the R validation value of 0.97422.This unique cementing technology has shown potential in reducing costs and improving efficiency in expensive subsea drilling operations. This case study presents its first application in the region for utilizing \\\"pre-heated native water\\\" to assist rapid buildup of initial compressive strength through latch-in inner string BHA in a cement job after cement placement.

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