Pengaruh self efficacy terhadap employee commitment dan job performance yang dimediasi oleh job sartisfation pada general z di perusahaan start up.

Oleh : Lisha Azuwara

Info Katalog

Pembimbing 3 : Lisha Azuwara

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Dita Oki Berliyanti

Kata Kunci : self efficacy, employee commitment, job performance, job satisfactionj

Saat ini file hanya dapat diakses dari perpustakaan.

Status : Lengkap

P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh self efficacy terhadap employee commitment dan job performance yang di mediasi oleh job satisfaction. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan unit analisis yaitu karyawan start-up yang berusia 17 – 27 tahun yang bekerja di Jabodetabek. Metode pengumpulan data dengan instrumen pengumpulan data berupa kuisioner. Metode penarikan sampel dengan teknik non probability sampling dengan cara penarikan sampel menggunakan snowball sampling. Data yang diperoleh untuk penelitian adalah 160 sampel data. Metode pengujian instrumen data menggunakan uji validitas dan reliabilitas. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode statistik deskriptif, Structural Equation Modelling dan sobel test. Hasil dalam penelitian ini pengaruh self efficacy positif terhadap job satisfaction, self efficacy tidak berpengaruh terhadap employee commitment, pengaruh self efficacy positif terhadap job performance, pengaruh job satisfaction positif terhadap employee commitment, pengaruh job satisfaction positif terhadap job performance, peran job satisfaction sebagai full mediator pada pengaruh self efficacy terhadap employee commitment dan peran job satisfaction sebagai partial mediator pada pengaruh self efficacy terhadap job performance. Implikasi manajerial pada penelitian ini adalah perusahaan perlu meningkatkan job satisfaction pada karyawan agar employee commitment dan job performance karyawan meningkat dengan cara perusahaan memberikan kompensasi yang sesuai dengan beban kerja karyawan.

T This study aims to analyze the effect of self efficacy on employee commitment and job performance mediated by job satisfaction. This research method uses a type of quantitative research with the unit of analysis, start-up employees aged 17-27 years who work in Jabodetabek. Data collection methods with data collection instruments in the form of questionnaires. The method of drawing samples with non-probability sampling techniques by drawing samples using snowball sampling. The data obtained for the study were 160 data samples. The data instrument testing method uses validity and reliability tests. The data analysis method uses descriptive statistical methods, Structural Equation Modeling and sobel tests. The results in this study show that the effect of self efficacy is positive on job satisfaction, self efficacy has no effect on employee commitment, the effect of self efficacy is positive on job performance, the effect of job satisfaction is positive on employee commitment, the effect of job satisfaction is positive on job performance, the role of job satisfaction as a full mediator on the effect of self efficacy on employee commitment and the role of job satisfaction as a partial mediator on the effect of self efficacy on job performance. The managerial implication of this research is that companies need to increase job satisfaction among employees so that employee commitment and job performance increase by providing compensation that is appropriate to employee workload.

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