Perencanaan lansekap area rekreasi Pantai Teluk Lampung (landscape planning of coastal recreation, Lampung Bay)
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 1999
Pembimbing 1 : Harry H. Hardjakusumah
Subyek : Beaches - Recreation - Designs and plans;Landscape architecture
Kata Kunci : Lampung Bay, coastal recreation area
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 8 | |
2. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Lembaran-Pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | ||
4. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Bab-2_Studi-Kepustakaan,-Studi-Banding....pdf |
5. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Bab-3_Identifikasi-Daya-Dukung-dan-Kesesuaian....pdf |
6. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Bab-4_Program-Pengembangan.pdf |
7. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Bab-5_Konsep-Perencanaan-Lansekap.pdf |
8. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Bab-6_Rencana-Lansekap.pdf |
9. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
10. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194129_Lampiran.pdf |
P Propinsi Lampung dengan lbukotanya Bandar Lampung terletak di ujung babagian selatan pulau Sumatera, memiliki keuntungan geografis sebagai pintu gerbang pulau Sumatera dan penghubung antara pulau Jawa dan Sumatera..Wisata Pantai di kawasan Teluk Lampung merupakan salah satu objek wisata yang menarik dengan latar belakang barisan bukit , panorama laut dengan gugusan pulaunya serta laut yang jemih dan hamparan pasir putih bersih menjadi andalan objek di kawasan Teluk Lampung.Kawasan Rekreasi Pantai ini memliki luas 12,25 Ha didalam melakukan perencanaan sangat penting untuk mengidentifikasi daya dukung dan kesesuaian lahan serta permasalahan yang terdapat pada tapak, dengan tujuan agar penempatan jenis fasilitas rekreasi yang dibuttihkan oleh pengunjung dapat memenuhi kebutuhan serta sesuai peruntukannya.Dengan luas keseluruhan tapak sebesar 12,25 Ela serta luas tapak yang terbangun untuk aktifitas rekreasi (3, 1 Ha) masih dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pengunjung hingga tahun 2008. Ditetapkan untuk strategi rencana pengembangan5 (lima) tahun ke depan, pengembangan guna lahan untuk aktifitas rekreasi dilakukan secara bertahap, dimana prioritas utamanya adalah penghijauan pantai. •Konsep dasar perencanaan tapak disini adalah menekankan kepada terciptanya kesan kasatuan lansekap dari 2 (dua) karakter yang berbeda (laut danbukit). Adapun yang menjadi pendekatan untuk penataan ruang terbuka, transportasi serta penghijauan adalah aspek fungsi, bentuk, ekonomi, waktu, kondisi fisik - non fisik tapak serta kesesuaian dengan lingkungan setempat.Yang menjadi kriteria dasar bagi kawasan rekreasi pantai Teluk Lampung adalah pertimbangan terhadap batasan zona pemanfaatan pantai, jenis vegetasi setempat (lokal) dan kecocokan serta ketahanan material terhadap kondisi fisik tapak.Lampung province with Bandar Lampung as the capital is lies at the end of part Sumatera island ,has advantage such as the gate of Sumatera island and connected Java island with Sumatera. Coastal recreation in the area Lampung bay is one of the attractive recreation object with mountain chain as background , beautiful scenery of the sea and the white sandy beaches as a point of interest in Lampung bay.The size of this site 12,25 hectare which is important to identified land capability , land suitability and local land use problems , which for to fulfill the visitor needs and also for the land use.With 3, 1 hectare wide of built up recreation area was able to fulfillthe visitor needs for next ten years (2008). Land development for recreation activity which is preservation green areas as the main priority was determined as policy or development plan strategy for five years.The basic plan concept for this site is to emphasize the unity senses from two different character (sea and hill). For planning or designing open space , transportation and landscaping were used several aspect as approach such functional aspect , economy , time aspect , physic and non physic site condition and the suitable aspect with local environment.The basic criteria for coastal recreation area , Lampung bay areconsideration the coastal land use zones , local vegetation , and material resistance for local physic site condition.
L Lampung province with Bandar Lampung as the capital is lies at the end of part Sumatera island ,has advantage such as the gate of Sumatera island and connected Java island with Sumatera. Coastal recreation in the area Lampung bay is one of the attractive recreation object with mountain chain as background , beautiful scenery of the sea and the white sandy beaches as a point of interest in Lampung bay.The size of this site 12,25 hectare which is important to identified land capability , land suitability and local land use problems , which for to fulfill the visitor needs and also for the land use.With 3, 1 hectare wide of built up recreation area was able to fulfillthe visitor needs for next ten years (2008). Land development for recreation activity which is preservation green areas as the main priority was determined as policy or development plan strategy for five years.The basic plan concept for this site is to emphasize the unity senses from two different character (sea and hill). For planning or designing open space , transportation and landscaping were used several aspect as approach such functional aspect , economy , time aspect , physic and non physic site condition and the suitable aspect with local environment.The basic criteria for coastal recreation area , Lampung bay areconsideration the coastal land use zones , local vegetation , and material resistance for local physic site condition.