Konsentrasi karbon monoksida dan nitrogen dioksida di Kebun Raya Bogor

Oleh : Agnes Dona Pravitasari

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2002

Pembimbing 1 : Wahyudi Wisaksono

Pembimbing 2 : Budi Rahayu Kosasih

Subyek : Air pollution;Carbon monoxide - Environmental aspects

Kata Kunci : carbon monoxide, air pollution, N02

Status Posting : Published

Status : Lengkap

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Halaman-Judul.pdf
2. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf
3. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf
4. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf
5. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf
6. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Bab-4_Hasil-Penelitian-dan-Pembahasan.pdf
7. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Bab-5_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf
8. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf 2
9. 2002_TA_STL_08297002_Lampiran.pdf

P Pencemaran udara dapat disebabkan oleh emisi kendaraan bermotor. seperti CO, HC, N02 dan lain-lain. Peningkatan surnber emisi berarti adanya penurunan kuahtas udara ambien. Penelitian ini bcrtujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi karbon monoksida (CO) dan nitrogen dioksida (N02) di Kcbun Raya Bogar, Jawa Barat. Kebun Raya Bog or did i rikan pada tanggal l 8 Mei 1817 dcngan batas geografis sebelah utara bcrbatasan dcngan JI. Jalak Marupat dan lstana Negara Boger. scbelah selatan berbatasan dengan JI. Otto Iskandar Dinata, scbclah barat bcrbatasan dcngan JI Ir. H. Juanda dan sebelah tirnur berbatasan dcngan JI. Pajajaran. Titik sampcl di luar Kcbun Raya Begor ditcntukan bcrdasarkan tuik rawan kemacetan, yaitu di Jalan Juanda. Jalan Otto Iskandar Dinata dan Jalan Pajajaran. Scdangkan titik di dalam Kebun Raya Boger ditcntukan berdasarkan arah angin dominan, yaitu ke arah Timur Laut dengan radius I 00 m dari titik di luar. Pcngukuran karbon monoksida (CO) digunakan metodc lodin I'entoksida dan pcngukuran nitrogen Jmks1lL1 (~O:) digunakan metode Saltzman. Untuk mctodc pcrhitungan karbon monoks da (CO) dan mtrogcn dioksida (N02) di luar Kebun Raya Bogor menggunakan Box Model. Hari pertama, konscntrasi karbon monoksida (CO) di luar scbcsar 2~ 7.lJ Jtg/m3 dan konsentrasi karbon monoksida (CO) di dalam sebesar 239,0 ~tg/m '. Pada hari kedua, konsentrasi karbon monoksida (CO) di luar scbcsar l?J.7 µglm•' dan konscntrasi karbon monoksida (CO) di dalam sebesar 220,7 µglm•'. Sedangkan pada hari keuga. konsentrasi karbon monoksida (CO) di luar 148,2 µg/m3 dan konscntrasi karbon monoksida (CO) di dalam sebesar 200,9 µg/m3. • Pada hari pertama, konsentrasi nitrogen dioksida (NO~) di luar sebesar 152,0 µg/m3dan konscntrasi nitrogen dioksida (N02) di dalam sebcsar %, 7 µg/m 1. P,1Ja hari kedua, konsentrasi nitrogen dioksida •(N02) di luar sebcsar 156.1 ~1g/m 1 dan konscntrasi nitrogen dioksida (N02) di dalam sebcsar 92,6 µg/1111. Sedangkan pada han kcuga, konsentrasi nitrogen dioksida (N02) di luar sebcsar 152,9 µg/m3 dan konscntrasi nitrogen droksida (N02) di dalam sebesar 113,9 µg/m3. Hubungan positif terjadi antara jumlah kendaraan dcngan konscntrasi karbon monoksida (CO) di luar Kcbun Raya Bogar. I lal ini bcrarti bahwa scuap kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah kendaraan akan diikuti olch kcnaikan atau penurunan konsentrasi karbon monoksida (CO). Sedangkan hubungan negatf tcrjadi antara antara jumlah kcndaraan dengan konsentrasi nitrogen dioksida (N02) di luar Kcbun Raya Bogar. Hal ini beraru bahwa setiap kenaikan atau penurunan jumlah kendaraan akan diikuti olch pcnurunan atau kenaikan konsentrasi nitrogen dioksida (N02). Baku mutu yang digunakan untuk konscntrasi karbon monoksida (CO) dan nitrogen dioksida (N02) adalah PP No. 41 Tahun 1999, sebesar 30000 ~tg/m3 dan 400 µg/m3• Konsentrasi karbon monoksida (C '0) dan nitrogen dioksida (NO:?) d1 luar maupun di dalam Kebun Raya Bogar masih mcmcnuhi baku mutu dan masih dalam kategori bail.

A Air pollution can be caused by emission of motor vehicles, such as CO. I IC. NO:? and others. Increasing emission sources would possibly cause a decrease in ambient air quality. Research was being conducted to know the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO~) at Kebun Rava Boger, West Java.Kebun Raya Bogor was founded in May I81h, IX 17 and its bordered by JalakMarupat street and Bogor State Palace on the north side, Otto lskandar Dinata street on the south side. Ir, H. Juanda street on the west side and Pajajaran street on the 1.•~''' ''""'Sampling points outside Kebun Raya Boger were designated uccorduig to the trafficjam points, which arc Ir. H. Juanda street, Otto lskandar Dinata street and l'ajajaran street. And sampling points inside Kcbun Raya Bogor arc designated according to the dominant wind (northeast) with the radius of JOO m from the outside sampling pomts. Carbon Monoxide (CO) measurement method used was Iodine Pe11111xide and Sa/1:mt111 Method for Nitrogen Dioxide (N02). Calculation method used for carbon monox idc ( C'O) and nitrogen dioxide (N02) outside Kcbun Raya Bogor is based on Box Mm.l1tl.The frist day, the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration outside was 257.9 ug/nr' and inside was 239,0 µg/m3. The second day, the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration outside was 173, 7 µg/m3 and inside was 220, 7 µg/m3. The third day, the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration outside was 148,2 ~Lg/m3 and inside was 200,9 ~Lg/m3.The frist day, the nitrogen dioxide (N02) concentration outside was 152.0 µg/m3 andinside was 96,7 µg/m3. The second day, the nitrogen dioxide (NO:) concentration outside was 156,1 µg/m3 and inside was 92,6 µg/m3. The third day, the nitrogen dioxide (N02) concentration outside was 152,9 ~tg/m3 and inside was 113,9 ug/m',Correlation between the amount of motor vehicles and carbon monoxide (CO)concentration outside Kcbun Raya Bogor was positive. Which meant that the increase or decrease in the amount of motor vehicles will increase or decrease the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration. On the contrary, negative correlation between the amount of motor vehicle and the nitrogen dioxide (N02) concentration. Its mean the increasing or dccrcasmg amount of motor vehicles will decrease or increase nitrogen dioxide (NO!) concentrationAs the threshold standard for carbon monoxide (CO) and mtrogen dioxide (N02)was used PP No. 41/1999, which arc 30000 µg/m.1 and 400 µg/m3. Concentrations of carbon •. monoxide (CO) and nitrogen diox ide (N02) on those 3 days outside and inside are still considered good.Air pollution can be caused by emission of motor vehicles, such as CO. I IC. NO:? and others. Increasing emission sources would possibly cause a decrease in ambient air quality. Research was being conducted to know the concentration of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO~) at Kebun Rava Boger, West Java.Kebun Raya Bogor was founded in May I81h, IX 17 and its bordered by JalakMarupat street and Bogor State Palace on the north side, Otto lskandar Dinata street on the south side. Ir, H. Juanda street on the west side and Pajajaran street on the 1.•~''' ''""'Sampling points outside Kebun Raya Boger were designated uccorduig to the trafficjam points, which arc Ir. H. Juanda street, Otto lskandar Dinata street and l'ajajaran street. And sampling points inside Kcbun Raya Bogor arc designated according to the dominant wind (northeast) with the radius of JOO m from the outside sampling pomts. Carbon Monoxide (CO) measurement method used was Iodine Pe11111xide and Sa/1:mt111 Method for Nitrogen Dioxide (N02). Calculation method used for carbon monox idc ( C'O) and nitrogen dioxide (N02) outside Kcbun Raya Bogor is based on Box Mm.l1tl.The frist day, the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration outside was 257.9 ug/nr' and inside was 239,0 µg/m3. The second day, the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration outside was 173, 7 µg/m3 and inside was 220, 7 µg/m3. The third day, the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration outside was 148,2 ~Lg/m3 and inside was 200,9 ~Lg/m3.The frist day, the nitrogen dioxide (N02) concentration outside was 152.0 µg/m3 andinside was 96,7 µg/m3. The second day, the nitrogen dioxide (NO:) concentration outside was 156,1 µg/m3 and inside was 92,6 µg/m3. The third day, the nitrogen dioxide (N02) concentration outside was 152,9 ~tg/m3 and inside was 113,9 ug/m',Correlation between the amount of motor vehicles and carbon monoxide (CO)concentration outside Kebun Raya Bogor was positive. Which meant that the increase or decrease in the amount of motor vehicles will increase or decrease the carbon monoxide (CO) concentration. On the contrary, negative correlation between the amount of motor vehicle and the nitrogen dioxide (N02) concentration. Its mean the increasing or dccrcasmg amount of motor vehicles will decrease or increase nitrogen dioxide (NO!) concentrationAs the threshold standard for carbon monoxide (CO) and mtrogen dioxide (N02)was used PP No. 41/1999, which arc 30000 µg/m.1 and 400 µg/m3. Concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen diox ide (N02) on those 3 days outside and inside are still considered good.

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