Perbandingan kadar hemoglobin antara sebelum dan saat menstruasi pada wanita dewasa muda
P Prevalensi penderita anemia defisiensi besi di dunia mencapai sekitar 20 - 25 % penduduk dunia terutama anak-anak dan perempuan, dimana wanita usia reproduktif lebih memungkinkan untuk terkena dikarenakan kehilangan darah karena proses menstruasi. Menstruasi mempengaruhi kadar hemoglobin dan konsentrasi besi pada wanita nullipara usia reproduktif. Maka perlu diketahui perbedaan kadar Hemoglobin antara sebelum dan saat menstruasi pada wanita dewasa muda untuk pencegahan ataupun penanganan dampak anemia defisiensi besi dikemudian hari. Penelitian menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional yang mengikutsertakan 31 mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Trisakti angkatan 2010. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara mengenai usia dan informasi tahap fase menstruasi. Screening menorrhagia menggunakan kuesioner dari Cinncinati Children’s Hospital Medical Center Best Evidence Statement (BESt) yang berguna untuk screening menorrhagia dengan target populasi wanita di bawah 25 tahun. Pengukuran kadar Hb menggunakan Hb meter Easytouch® dari sampel darah kapiler sebanyak 1μL. Analisis perbandingan rerata nilai Hb menggunakan metode paired t-test dengan menggunakan SPSS for Windows versi 20.0 dan tingkat kemaknaan yang digunakan besarnya 0,05. Rata-rata usia responden 22,1 tahun; 10 (32,3 %) dari 31 responden memiliki riwayat menorrhagia; rerata nilai kadar Hb pada fase luteal (sebelum menstruasi) 12,4 g/dL; rerata nilai Hb pada fase folikuler (saat menstruasi) 11,9 g/dL. Didapatkan analisis perbedaan rerata nilai Hb antara kedua fase menstruasi p = 0,005. Terdapat perbedaan kadar Hb yang signifikan antara sebelum dan saat menstruasi berlangsung.
T The prevalence of iron deficiency anemia in the world is about 20-25% of the world population, especially children and women, where women of reproductive age are more likely to be exposed due to loss of blood due to the process of menstruation. Menstruation affect hemoglobin levels and iron concentrations in women of reproductive age. Because of this there should be a research to find the differences between the hemoglobin levels before and during menstruation in young adult women for the prevention or treatment of iron deficiency anemia impacts in the future. The study used a cross-sectional study design that included 31 female students from Trisakti University School of Medicine class of 2010. Data collections was by interviews regarding the age and stage of the menstrual phase information and Menorrhagia screening based on questionnaires from Cinncinati Children's Hospital Medical Center Best Evidence Statement (BEST) that is useful for screening menorrhagia with a target population of women under 25 years. Hb measurements was a assesed by hemoglobin meters by Easytouch®. Comparative analysis of the mean Hb values was performed using SPSS for Windows version 20.0 with paired t-test method and a significance level of magnitude were 0.05. The average age of the respondents was 22. 1 years; 10(32.3%) of the 31 respondents had a history of menorrhagia; the mean Hb values in the luteal phase(before menstruation) 12.4g/dL; the mean Hb values in the follicular phase(during menstruation) was 11.9g/dL. Comparative analysis of the mean values of Hb obtained both phases of the menstrual was p=0.005. There was asignificant differences of hemoglobin levels between luteal and follicular phase of menstruation in young adult women