Studi kebisingan terhadap ketinggian penerimaan sumber bising dalam skala model
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2002
Pembimbing 1 : Soepangat Soemarto
Pembimbing 2 : Wisnu Eka Yulyanto
Subyek : Noise - Research
Kata Kunci : environmental noise, sound power level
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 16 | |
2. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Bab-1.pdf | 4 | |
3. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
9. | 2002_TA_STL_08296052_Lampiran.pdf |
Kebisingan lingkungan dianggap sebagai fenomena yang kerap terjadi di kota-kota besar. Faktor pencetusnya bermacam-macam, dapat berupa lalu-lintas dan perbaikan jalan. Kebisingan lingkungan termasuk kategori pencemaran ini berdampak langsung terhadap kebisingan pada gedung-gedung bertingkat yang peruntukannya sebagai tempat tinggal atau lingkungan tempat bekerja. Dalam upaya mengetahui tingkat kebisingan terhadap ketinggian gedung bertingkat secara riil sangat sulit dilakukan maka dibuatlah suatu skala model yang menghasilkan persamaan model sehingga dapat digunakan untuk prediksi kebisingan. Kebisingan menurut Keputusan MenteriNegara Lingkungan Hidup No.48/MENLH/11/1996 adalah bunyi yang tidak diinginkan dari usaha atau kegiatan dalam tingkat dan waktu tertentu yang dapat menimbulkan gangguan kesehatan manusia dan kenyamanan lingkungan. Bunyi memiliki daya yang disebut juga Sound Power level (Lw), merupakan laju rambatan energi suara yang dipancarkan oleh sumber (Baranek,1988). Sedangkan tekanan bunyi atau Sound Pressure Level (Lp) adalah penyimpangan dalam tekanan atmosfer yang disebabkan oleh getaran kelompok molekul di udara karena adanya gelombang suara (Burns,1973).Metode yang digunakan untuk mengukur Lw adalah standar ISO 3740 dengan permukaan pengukuran setengah bola dianalisa menggunakan analisa gambar kontur. Sedangkan metode yang digunakan dalam pengambilan data adalah mas~ Penelitian dilakukan dalam 3 macam jenis reflektor yaitu: tanpa reflektor; dengan reflektor~ reflelCtor busa. engukuran dilakukan dalam ruang semi anechoic di Laboratorium Bising Pusarpe
E Environmental noise is considered a phenomena that often occurs in big cities. The cause of this can be from various sources, such as traffic and road on struction. The environmental noise. The noise which is categorized as environmental pollution, can be directly impact the high rise buildings which are used for residential or working purposes. To accurately measure the level of noise impacting the high rise buildings is very difficult, therefore, a model scale has been designed as a measuring model to predict the level of noise.The noise according to the Minister of Environment's regulation No.48/MENLH/11/1996 is an unwanted noise from an ongoing and business activities at certain occasions that is disadvantageous to human health and living convenience. The noise has a power which is called sound power level (Lw), is a wave of sound energy disseminated by a source (Baranek 1988). As for the Sound Pressure Level (Lp) is a distortion of an atmosphere pressure which is resulted from molecular group vibration in the air which due to the sound wave (Bums 1973).The standard method used to measure the Lw is ISO 3 740 with measuring level at half parabolic which is analyzed using contour figure. The method used for data collection called mash. The survey is conducted in 3 different ways: with reflector, without reflector and foam reflector. The measurement can be conducted in a semi anechoic room in Pusarpedal Sound Laboratory using the SR 5300, amplifier, microphone and speaker. After calculation, observation and study are carried out to see the achieved results. By observation, we can see the level of the noise dooJiie and premct the noise level against the level of the result of the comparing model. From the Sound Power measurement, the Lw frequency figure is obtained equal to69,544 dB. The result of the the research shows, that the declines of the noise resulting from additional heights at the length of 10 cm distance are as follows using mash without 1000 Hz reflector: 72.3dBm 62.8 dB, 509.1 dB, 55.2 dB, 51.2 dB. 51.4 dB, 50.3 dB, 48.5dB, 45.8 dB. Mash with 1000 Hz reflector: 76.1 dB, 70 dB, 65 dB, 62.4 dB, 59.3 dB, 57. 7 dB, 56.2 dB,54.9 dB, 53.9 dB, 51.1 dB. Mash with foam reflector: 75.1 dB, 69.1 dB, 64.4 dB, 62.9 dB,60.7 dB, 59.1dB,57.2 dB, 55.4 dB, 55.2 dB, 53.3 dB.From the theoretical calculation of Lp=Lw-(20Logr)-8 the initial figures of level decline is obtained along with the increasing distance of the sound source. The figures are: -3dB, -4dB, -5dB, -Sdb, The result from the calculation of real measurement data, the noisedeclines along with the increasing distance of the noise source, varied from 10 to 160 cm for each mash l 000 Hz frequency are as follows: Mash without reflector: -1 dB, -3 dB, -4 dB, -7 dB. Mash with reflector +2 dB, -5 dB, -9 dB, -3 dB and foam reflector: +3 dB, -6 dB, -6 dB, -5 dB. From these figures we can see that the foam attached to the reflector has a crucial impact because at this condition, a bigger decline occurs at each increase of height. If we areusing the regression linear the following figures are obtained from the comparative noise model 1000 Hz without reflector: Y=-0.1254x+66.31. Mash with reflector: Y=-0.1238x+72.417. Mash with foam reflector: Y=-0.1082x+71.523.Using the noise prediction against height, the figures of the maximum height of the comparative model are obtained: With reflector: 44,5 m, without reflector: 49.9 m, reflector with foam: 56,3 m. For instance if we want to see the level of noise at the height of 20 m using mash with reflector, we can enter this figure as variable X, and the comparative level as Y=0.1238x(200cm)+72.417, then we will obtain the figure of the noise level at 47.6557 dB.