Anteseden dan konsekuen consumer well being pada influencer social media.
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2025
Pembimbing 1 : Iwan Ekawanto
Kata Kunci : Argument Quality, Source Credibility, Kindness, Consumer Well-Being, Purchase Intention
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 14 | |
2. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Surat-Pernyataan-Revisi-Terakhir.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Surat-Hasil-Similaritas.pdf | 1 | |
4. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Halaman-Pernyataan-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Tugas-Akhir-untuk-Kepentingan-Akademis.pdf | 1 | |
5. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 4 | |
6. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Pernyataan-Orisinalitas.pdf | 1 | |
7. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Formulir-Persetujuan-Publikasi-Karya-Ilmiah.pdf | 1 | |
8. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Bab-1.pdf | ||
9. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Bab-2.pdf |
10. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Bab-3.pdf |
11. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Bab-4.pdf |
12. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Bab-5.pdf | ||
13. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
14. | 2025_SK_SMJ_022002100014_Lampiran.pdf |
I Influencer media sosial adalah individu yang memiliki pengaruh besar di platform digital dan telah menjadi bagian dari trend pemasaran digital yang muncul akibat kemajuan teknologi. Dengan merujuk teori Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), terdapat tiga faktor utama yang memengaruhi efektivitas influencer, yaitu Argument Quality, Source Credibility, dan Kindness. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dari ketiga faktor tersebut terhadap Consumerr Well-Being dan Purchase Intention. Data penelitian dikumpulkan melalui kuesioner yang disebarkan secara online kepada 200 responden yang telah menggunakan media sosial dalam 6 bulan terakhir dan yang mengikuti atau mengetahui influencer Fadil Jaidi dan Sashfir. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menerapkan purposive sampling dalam menentukan sampel. Instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner mengunakan skala Likert 1-5 dan data yang terkumpul diolah dengan aplikasi SPSS 29 dan AMOS 26. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Argument Quality berpengaruh positif terhadap Consumer Well-Being, Source Credibility berpengaruh positif terhadap Consumer Well-Being, Kindness tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap Consumer Well-Being, serta Consumer Well-Being berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention. Penelitian ini memberikan wawasan penting bagi pelaku pemasaran dalam meningkatkan strategi influencer di media sosial.
S Social media influencers are individuals who have a significant impact on digital platforms and have become part of the emerging digital marketing trends due to technological advancements. Referring to the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM), there are three main factors that influence the effectiveness of influencers, namely Argument Quality, Source Credibility, and Kindness. This study aims to analyze the impact of these three factors on Consumer Well-Being and Purchase Intention. Research data was collected through a questionnaire distributed online to 200 respondents who have used social media in the last 6 months and who follow or are aware of influencers Fadil Jaidi and Sashfir. This research employs a quantitative approach using purposive sampling to determine the sample. The research instrument in the form of a questionnaire uses a 1-5 Likert scale, and the collected data was processed using SPSS 29 and AMOS 26 applications. The analysis results show that Argument Quality positively influences Consumer Well-Being, Source Credibility positively influences Consumer Well-Being, Kindness does not positively influence Consumer Well-Being, and Consumer Well-Being positively influences Purchase Intention. This research provides important insights for marketers in enhancing influencer strategies on social media.