1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." /> 1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." /> 1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." /> 1%,the coal in this research area was deposited in a transitional lower deltaenvironment but with characteristics of mineral matter content, and low sulfurcontent, including high grade coal with sub bituminous rank A -sub bituminous B,the sulfur content at the research location is classified as low-medium. It can beinterpreted that the environmental conditions are slightly affected by seawaterfactors." />


Analisis lingkungan pengendapan batubara dan keterkaitannya dengan kualitas batubara pada Area “x”, Cekungan Sumatera Selatan


Oleh : Triatmojo Ajiwijaya

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2024

Pembimbing 1 : Moehammad Ali Jambak

Subyek : Deposition

Kata Kunci : proximate analysis, geophysical log, deposition environment, coal quality

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Status : Lengkap

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