Pengukuran gaya kepemimpinan berdasarkan teori situasional hersey & blanchard dan keefektifannya terhadap tingkat kematangan bawahan di hotel nikko jakarta
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2005
Pembimbing 1 : Dadang Surjasa
Subyek : Measurement;Effectiveness;Leadership
Kata Kunci : leadership, style, blanchard, situational theory, effectiveness, maturity, performance, management,
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 5 | |
4. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Bab-2_Landasan-Teori.pdf |
5. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Bab-3_Metodologi-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Bab-4_Pengumpulan-data.pdf |
7. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Bab-5_Pengolahan-Data.pdf |
8. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Bab-6_Analisa.pdf |
9. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Bab-7_Kesimpulan.pdf | 12 | |
10. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
11. | 2005_TA_STI_06300073_Lampiran.pdf |
S Sebagai salah satu Jarmgan hotel bertaraf internasional, Hotel Nikko Jakarta rnernerlukan adanya suatu citra kepernirnpinan yang efektif, dirnana gaya kepernirnpinan seorang atasan sesuai dengan tingkat kematangan bawahannya untuk mencapai visi dan misi serta membangun sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan memiliki komitmen terhadap pekerjaannya. Pokok permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah setelah mengalami restrukturisasi organisasi banyak terjadi perubahan dalam perilaku organisasi yang rnendorong pihak hotel untuk mengetahui gaya kepemirnpinan dari para atasannya dalarn berinteraksi dengan bawahannya.Hal - hal yang akan diidentifikasi dan dianalisis pada penelitian ini adalah kondisi gayakepemirnpinan serta membandingkan apakah terdapat perbedaan terhadap rnasing - masing gaya kepemirnpinan di setiap divisi, kondisi tingkat kematangan bawahan di setiap divisi, kesesuaian gaya kepemimpinan jika dibandingkan dengan tingkat kernatangan bawahan di setiap divisi, hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan terhadap tingkat kematangan bawahan di enam divisi serta memberikan usu1an kepada pihak hotel sehubungan kondisi kepernirnpinan clan tingkat kernatangan bawahan dalarn bekerja.Faktor gaya kepemimpinan ini diteliti menurut teori Situasional Hersey dan Blanchard,yaitu sedikitnya banyaknya bimbingan, pengarahan, dorongan oleh atasan kepada bawahannya dan tingkat kematangan bawahan. Faktor tingkat kernatangan bawahan diukur berdasarkan pada penilaian kinerja dengan rnetode Judgment dan kombinasi dari self efficacy individu dengan teori motivasi Herzberg.Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, pengarnatan, pengambilan data internal yang sudah tersedia di hotel dan melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Software SPSS 12.0 digunakan untuk rnelakukan uji validitas dan reliabilitas terhadap kuesioner pendahu1uan , statistik deskriptif, uji Kruskal Wallis dan uji jumlah peringkat Wilcoxon dan uji korelasi Spearman.Kondisi gaya kepemimpinan yang paling dominan di divisi Room adaJah gayaSelling, nilai grand mean 3.83 di divisi Food and Beverage adaJah gaya Participative,nilai grand mean 4.16; di divisi Finance adalah gaya Selling, nilai grand mean 3.91 di divisi Repair and Maintenance adalah gaya Participative, nilai grand mean 3.99; di divisi Sales and Marketing adaJah gaya Selling, nilai grand mean 4.13; dan di divisj HRD adaJah gaya Participative, nilai grand mean 4.5. Tingkat kematangan bawahan di divisi Room59.09 % berada pada tingkat R3, di divisi Food and Beverage 67.74 % berada pada tingkat R4, di divisi Finance 80 % berada pada tingkat R4, di divisi Repair and Maintenance74.07 % berada pada tingkat R4, di divisi Sales and Marketing 75 % berada pada tingkatR3 dan di divisi HRD 66.67 % berada pada tingkatR3.Usu1an perbaikan yang dapat diberikan pada divisi Room yaitu melalui dialog dan careercoaching, pada divisi Food and Beverage melalui Seif Managed Team, pada divisi Finance rnelalui Nominal Group Technique, pada divisi Repair and Maintenance melalui pemberdayaan, pada divisi Sales and Marketing rnelalui pemberian reward, pada divisi HRD adalah rnelalui self efficacy dan self esteem, dan untuk seluruh divisi adalah dengan menempatkan pemimpin sebagai mentor dan penciptaan situasi win win solution .
A As one of the International Hotel Chain, Jakarta Nikko Hotel requires an effective leadership quality, to develop a competent and performance oriented employees, a leader style of management has to be in consistent with the subordinates maturity in order to achieve the prescribed corporate Mission and Vision theme. In a corporate restructuring, the hotel management made apparent the interaction style of communication of the hotel division heads to their subordinates.This study serves to analyze the different style of leadership in order to detect whetherthere exist different style of leadership in each division of the hotel, whether these division heads assigned for the job already at par with the leadership maturity of their subordinates in each of the six divisions. This analysis ultimate objective is to examine the style of leadership given the level of maturity of these six division heads in order to recommend the appropriate leadership style given the division heads level of management maturity in attitude.This study on leadership is done with Hersey and Blanchard situational theory, which isexamining, the guidance, the supervision, and the support from the leader to the division heads and the level of maturity of each of their subordinates. These subordinates level of maturity is measured with an analysis on their work performances by Judgment Method and the combination of the self-efficacy of each of the individual with Herzberg motivational theory.Data collection is done through personal interview, observation, obtaining internal datareadily available from the hotel and through distribution of questionnaires. SPSS 12.0 Software system is used to test the validity and reliability of all the preliminary questionnaires, descriptive statistics, Kruskal Wallis Test, Wilcoxon Test and Spearman Correlation test.The most dominant leadership style is in the Room Division is Selling Style ofManagement with grand mean of 3.83, in the Food & Beverage the Style is Participative with grand mean of 4.16, in the Finance division is Selling style with grand mean of 3.91, in the Repair and Maintenance the Style is Participativ e with grand mean of 3.99, in the Sales and Marketing the Style is Selling with grand mean of 4.13 and in the HRD division the Style is Participative with grand mean of 4.5. As for the Level of Management Maturity in the Room Division is 59.0%, which falls below R3 Level, at Food & Beverage Division 67.74% or below Level R4, at Finance Division 80% below level R4, the Repair& Maintenance 74.07% below Level R4, the Sales & Marketing 75% below R3, and the HRD Division at 66.67% below level R3.Recommendations for performance improvement at Room Division can be effected with increased dialogue and career coaching, at Food & Beverage Division the recommendation is to establish Self Managed Teams, at Finance Division the improvement can be done using Nominal Group Teclmique, at the Repair & Maintenance Division with empowerment , at the Sales & Marketing a Reward system on performance has to be applied, and the HRD by built up the Self Efficacy & Self Esteem from within the company and for the Whole Six Divisions is by placing the leader as a mentor and provide a working environment with a win win solution.