Pengaruh waktu tinggal terhadap efisiensi penyisihan COD - warna limbah tekstil menggunakan reaktor up flow aerobic hybrid dengan gabungan media plastik PVC dan karbon aktif
with initial colorconcentration is 376.25 Pt.Co - 51125 Pt.Co and organic velocity is 0,39-2,17 Kglm3day. COD concentration on Td-8 hours, Td-12 hours and Td-16 hours has fulfill standart reference Governor Degree No.6 1999 (Appendix A) namely 250 mg/L. The optimum condition is on Td-8 hours with final concentration is 242.50 mg/L (COD). Active carbon and PVC plastict as Attached growth for mikroorganism has proven capable to improving separation efficiency of organic mater from textile waste." /> with initial colorconcentration is 376.25 Pt.Co - 51125 Pt.Co and organic velocity is 0,39-2,17 Kglm3day. COD concentration on Td-8 hours, Td-12 hours and Td-16 hours has fulfill standart reference Governor Degree No.6 1999 (Appendix A) namely 250 mg/L. The optimum condition is on Td-8 hours with final concentration is 242.50 mg/L (COD). Active carbon and PVC plastict as Attached growth for mikroorganism has proven capable to improving separation efficiency of organic mater from textile waste." /> with initial colorconcentration is 376.25 Pt.Co - 51125 Pt.Co and organic velocity is 0,39-2,17 Kglm3day. COD concentration on Td-8 hours, Td-12 hours and Td-16 hours has fulfill standart reference Governor Degree No.6 1999 (Appendix A) namely 250 mg/L. The optimum condition is on Td-8 hours with final concentration is 242.50 mg/L (COD). Active carbon and PVC plastict as Attached growth for mikroorganism has proven capable to improving separation efficiency of organic mater from textile waste." /> with initial colorconcentration is 376.25 Pt.Co - 51125 Pt.Co and organic velocity is 0,39-2,17 Kglm3day. COD concentration on Td-8 hours, Td-12 hours and Td-16 hours has fulfill standart reference Governor Degree No.6 1999 (Appendix A) namely 250 mg/L. The optimum condition is on Td-8 hours with final concentration is 242.50 mg/L (COD). Active carbon and PVC plastict as Attached growth for mikroorganism has proven capable to improving separation efficiency of organic mater from textile waste." />
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2002
Pembimbing 1 : Ratnaningsih
Pembimbing 2 : M. Lindu
Subyek : Water quality
Kata Kunci : water pollution; textile waste; BOD; COD
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | ||
3. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | ||
4. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Bab-2_Tinjauan-Pustaka.pdf |
5. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Bab-3_Metode-Penelitian.pdf |
6. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Bab-4_Hasil-Pengamatan-dan-Pembahasan.pdf |
7. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Bab-5_Kesimpulan-dan-Saran.pdf | ||
8. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2002_TA_STL_08297033_Lampiran.pdf |
l lndustri testil merupakan pennasalahan lingkungan yang perlu mendapat perbatian dan pemikiran yang seksama. Menunmnya kualitas badan air dipengaruhi oleh zat pencemar yang terdapat pada air limbah tekstil seperti zat wama, bau dan minyak Jemak sangat mengganggu lingkungan.PT. Coats Rejo Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang penceJupan benang. Kegiatan penceJupan benang tersebut memerJukan bahan balcu benang (grey, jenis benang poliester) yang dapat diperoleh secara lokal dan impor.Pencemaran air pada industri tekstil (pencelupan benang) disebabkan oleh proses basah yaitu proses pewarnaan atau pencelupan (dyeing), dan proses finishing (waxing). karakteristik air buangan tekstil yang paling khas adalah pH bersifat basa, mempunyai nilai biochemical oxygent demand (BOD) yang tinggi, kandungan padatan yang tersuspensi total suspended solid (TSS), ~-lemak, temperatur yang tinggi serta warna Konsentrasi masing-masing polutan berVariasi tergantung dari bahan balm dan proses produksi yang diterapkan.Penelitian ini ditujUkan untuk mengetahni pengaruh variasi waktu tinggal pada reaktor up flow aerobic hibrid dengan variasi waktu tinggal hidrolis 4-jam, 8-jam, 12 jam, dan 16-jam terhadap efisiensi penyisihan bahan organik. Hasil penelitian adalah sbb:Tabel Data Penelitian IntiTd Kom.CODs Kom.CODs Peay. Ko.m. Warm Kam.Wama Peny.(Jam)Awai Akhir COD(mg/L) (mg/L) {°.4)awalPt.eo akhirPt.Co Wama(%)16 912.72 141.53 84.49 376.25 101.25 73.0912 527.68 100.48 80.96 419.75 152.75 63.618 )) 10.23 242.50 78.16 517.25 220.75 57.324 1052.53 368.99 64.94 502.25 272 45.84Penyisihan COD inlet rata-rata dengan Td-4 jam - Td-16 jam berkisar antara64.94% -84.49% dengan konsentrasi COD awal rata-rata sebesar 527.68 mg/L-1110.23 mg/L dan laju beban organik sebesar 0, 76-4.,5 Kg.COD/m3hari. Penyisihan warna inlet rata-rata dengan Td-4 jam - Td-16 jam berkisar antara 45.84% -73.09% dengan konsentrasi wama awal rata-rata sebesar 376.25 Pt.Co - 517.25 Pt.Co dan laju bebanorganik sebesar 0,39-2,17 Kglm3hari. Konsentrasi COD Td-8 jam, Td-12 jam dan Td-16jam sudah memenuhi baku mutu Kep. Gub no.6 tahun 1999 (Lampiran A) sebesar 250 mg/L. Kondisi optimum terjadi pada Td-8 jam dimana konsentrasi akhir sebesar 242.50 mg/L(COD).Karbon aktif dan plastik PVC sebagai media tempat melekatnya (attached growth)mikroorganisme yang terbukti mampu meningkatan efisiensi penyisihan bahan organik limbah tekstil.
T Textile industries are one source of environmental problem that should be given comprehensive attention and understanding. Decreasing on water quality was effected by pollutant from textile waste including such as color element, smell and fat-oil that proven rising environmental problems.PT. Coats Rejo Indonesia is a yam dyeing company. The yam dyeing activities reguire yam raw material (grey, type polyester) that collected both from local dan import.Water pollution in the textile industry (yam dyeing) is come from both wet process (coloring and dyeing process) and finishing (waxing). The unique characteristics of tektite waste is including such as alkaline, high on biochemical oxygent demand (BOD), total suspended solid (TSS) contend, fat-oil, high temperatur and color.Each pollutant has different concenbation that depends on raw material and applied production process.The research was conducted in older to study effect of retain time of reaktor up flow aerobic hibtyd with different hidrolysis time such as 4-ho~ 8-hours, 12-hours and16-hours on separation efficiency of organic matter. The result shows as table hereunder :Table of Result- ~/ '" ·--'JTd Iimial Cone.(FimlCo-. CODs Initial Cone. FmaJConc.ColornIn average COD inlet separation on Td-4 hours - Td-16 hours is on the range between 64.94%-84.4901' with initial COD concentration is 527.68 mg/L - 1110.23 mg.IL and organic velocity is 0,76-4,5 Kg.COD/m3day. Inaverage color inlet separation on Td- 4 hours - Td-16 hours is on the range between 45.84% -73.090A> with initial colorconcentration is 376.25 Pt.Co - 51125 Pt.Co and organic velocity is 0,39-2,17 Kglm3day. COD concentration on Td-8 hours, Td-12 hours and Td-16 hours has fulfill standart reference Governor Degree No.6 1999 (Appendix A) namely 250 mg/L. The optimum condition is on Td-8 hours with final concentration is 242.50 mg/L (COD). Active carbon and PVC plastict as Attached growth for mikroorganism has proven capable to improving separation efficiency of organic mater from textile waste.