Gambaran status dan pengetahuan kesehatan gigi murid-murid sd Lingsuh I Dan Sd Lingsuh II usia 10- 15 tahun di Desa Tarunanegara Kecamatan Cigeulis Kabupaten Pandeglang Jawa Barat
S Status kesehatan gigi sangat perlu kita ketahui dan sarana Pelayanan kesehatan gigi perlu terus ditingkatkan, khususnya ditujukan pada anak sekolah dasar dan remaja. Di Lingsuh I dan SD Lingsuh II berada di desa Tarunanegara kecamatan Cigeulis kabupaten Pandeglang Jawa Barat. Dari hasil survey awal yang penulis lakukan. diperoleh data perkerjaan penduduk di desa tersebut 90% petani dan lainnya bekerja sebagai tukang ojek. Di bidang kesehatan khususnya kesehatan gigi, kedua sekolah tersebut belum pernah mendapatkan kunjungan berupa penyuluhan dan pengobatan
W We really need to know the health status of our teeth and the dental health service facilities need to be continuously improved, especially aimed at elementary school children and adolescents. Lingsuh I and Lingsuh II Elementary Schools are in Tarunanegara village, Cigeulis sub-district, Pandeglang district, West Java. From the results of the initial survey that the author did. data obtained from the employment of residents in the village 90% of farmers and others work as motorcycle taxi drivers. In the health sector, especially dental health, the two schools have never received visits in the form of counseling and treatment