Hotel resort Mini Indonesia Indah
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 1999
Pembimbing 1 : Ida AS Danur
Pembimbing 2 : Untung Mardikarno
Subyek : Hotel;Architecture - Designs and plans
Kata Kunci : TMII hotel and resort, Betawi nuance
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Lembar-Pengesahan.pdf | 1 | |
3. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Bab-1_Pendahuluan.pdf | 7 | |
4. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Bab-2_Studi-Kepustakaan.pdf |
5. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Bab-3_Identifikasi-Potensi-Kendala.pdf |
6. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Bab-4_Program-Kebutuhan.pdf |
7. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Bab-5_Konsep-Perancangan-Lansekap.pdf |
8. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Bab-6_Rancangan-Lansekap.pdf |
9. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
10. | 1999_TA_SAL_08194147_Lampiran.pdf |
R Referring to the improvement of ages caused a background of taking of this project needed in Jakarta. TMII management concern about this condition they have a though time to build TMII hotel and resort which has some functions as a recreation place and as a place provided for visitors or tourists to spend their vacation. The plan of this project has Betawi nuance, its based on the environment that surrounded by the location of Betawi peoples and the area that is located in tourism area. To show that it's possible to use cultural elements into the planning project On the economics sides there are difficulty to keep the expenses efficient depend on the available fund. The difficulty is how to strive the steps or the room patterns so it can be an attractive place to visitors that passing by. Another difficulty is how to make use of time that can make a good result and good to reserve reserve for a long time. The plan has a distinct program based on the area sport center and supporting area that can have some function for the need ofl the visitors. The concept of the plan that based on Betawi culture has can be seen from the shape of the rooms, vegetation patterns, ornamnets that utilize the principal and the circulation concepts. The scenery planning project has many facilities such as, main entrance, parking area, reception area, open house, restaurant, open stage, pendopo Betawi, swimming pool, tennis court, jogging track, fruits garden, gazebo, musholla, parking service. and service entrance. All those facilities plan use Betawi elements that based on theme and concept that create difflerent atmospheres that can be felt by the visitors who come to the TMII hotel and resort with Betawi nunance