Perbaikan tata letak gudang barang jadi pada Departemen Nylon Filament Yarn di PT Indonesia Toray Synthetis
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2009
Pembimbing 1 : Didien Suhardini
Subyek : Warehouses - Management;Material handling
Kata Kunci : improvement, layout warehouse, product storage layout
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 27 | |
2. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-1.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Bab-8.pdf |
10. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
11. | 2009_TA_TI_06304020_Lampiran.pdf |
S Saat ini PT. Indonesia Toray Synthetics (ITS) menghadapi permasa Jlayout gudang barang jadi. Untuk menyimpan produk jadi Nylon Filament y-aa an padaperusahaan menggunakan dua gudang yang terpisah yang tidak berfungsi de;n (NF'),Permasalahan lain yaitu peletakan yang menempati area barang j act - gan.batk.1mengakibatkan kurang teraturnya peletakan barang jadi. Gudang barang j adilat n_Ygang yang terlalu sempit sehingga menghambat sistem FIFO dalam pengarnb emdtkt peletakan barang jadi, operator harus membongkar susunan pallet yano- dllan danmembutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk proses bongkar dan menyusuna a akembaJ.sertajadi tersebut , selain itu pengelolaan data area barang jadi yang tersimpan mas. -bro ukPermasalahan tersebut membuat keefesienan gudang berkuranR mengatasinya dilakukan dua tahapan yaitu relayout dan perancanga=, ntuk pergudangan yang terkomputerisasi . Sebelum melakukan perancangan lqyou ststem usulan diperlukan jumlah unit tersimpan maksimum dalam periode kedepan gud ng dilakukan peramalan terhadap permintaan produk berdasarkan data historis p Untuk ttu Beberapa metode peramalan yang digunakan antara lain; Regresi Linier ahaan: Kuadratis, Single Moving Average (SMA) (2x2) dan (7x7), Single E;p egr s1 Smoothing (SES) (a.=0,2) dan (a.=0,7), Seasonal serta Siklis. Setelah itu me on ntzal nilai kesalahan dari setiap produk jadi dengan membandingkan nilai kesalahnghttung terkecil. Dari nilai tersebut didapat nilai maksimum kebutuhan pallet. an yangDalam perancangan layout gudang usulan dilakukan dengan beberaUntuk mempermudah peletakan produk jadi dari dua gudang yang terpisah y a tahap.menjadi satu, maka dirancang rak usulan dengan mempertimbangkan dimensi p akan box, maka didapatkan jumlah rak yang dibutuhkan . Kemudian merancang pef et dan rak dalam gudang dengan Metode Dedicated Storage, Fuzzy Subtractive Cluste takkan Cube per Order Index. Setelah itu dilakukan pemilihan layout yang terbaikr:7g dan membandingkan nilai Material Handling Evaluation Sheet (l\.1HES), layo engan terpilih berdasarkan nilai "MHES terkecil. Perancangan tata letak gudang barangu.t J:'ang ITS Departemen NFY dengan biaya perpindahan hasil perhitungan J\1HEs d_Jadt PTbiaya terkecil pada layout gudang berdasarkan metode Fuzzy Subtractive C/ztperolehsebesar Rp. 7.664.931.96,-•• IStering,.setelah ip layout gudang sulan, untuk lebih empermudah d mencan barang Jadt batk dalam proses penytmpanan dan pengambtlan didalam alam maka dirancang program tata letak gudang barang jadi . Sistem pergudangan rdang, meliputi informasi posisi rak untuk setiap barang dan jumlah persediaan rsebut digudang, serta laporan surat-surat barang masuk dan keluar. arang
N Nowadays PT Indonesia Toray Synthetics (ITS) is facing problems in the good product storage layout. To store Nylon Filament Yarn (NFY), this company has two separated storage, and at each storage there are areas of the good products with only one aisle. The positions of the good products with the distance between the pallets is unwell organized and the pallet is stacks that are limited. So that it needs another area to place to excessive pallets. The position of the pallets that are unwell organized, has caused some difficulties the storage and retrieval of the good products. To retrieve in the good products which are placed on the deepest position of the pallet stacks, the operator has to remove the front pallets and it takes quite long time to re-arrange the pallets. To maximize the space utilization, the operator has to pile up the pallets more than the capacity. Beside that, the management of the store good products data areas still manual, so that is causes misinformation about the good products inventory and flow at the storage.The problem that has decreased the efficiency of storage. The problem can be solved by two ways such as doing re-layout and creating a new computerized system of storage. Before making suggestion, it needs the maximum mount of the stored good products in the future by doing forecasting. The forecasting of the good products has tobe done according to the historical data. Some of the forecasting methods which are use here area Single Moving Average (SMA) (2x2) and (7x7), Single Exponential Smoothing (SES) (a=0,2) and (a=O,7), seasonal and cyclical. Then calculate the errors of the good products by comparing the smallest errors of all. From those errors the maximum need of the pallet can be found. There are several steps for making suggestion of storage layout. To simplify the arrangement of good product from two separated storages into one storage, so the suggestion of good product from to separated shelf which is considering the dimension of pallet and box can be designed, then the number of shelf can be found. After that making design the arrangement of shelf by using Dedicated Storage Method, Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Method, and Cube per Order Index Method . Than the best layout can be chosen based on the smallest value of Material Handling Evaluation Sheet (MHES) . The chosen design of storage layot for PT. Indonesia Toray Synthetics (ITS) in Nylon Filament Yarn (NFY) department which has been calculated by Fuzzy Subtractive Clustering Method is equal to Rp 7.664.931.96 that is the smallest MHES .Afterwards, computerized storage system is designed to simplify storage and retrieval of good product . This system consist of the information of shelf position for each good and the number of good inventory, and also the document of shipping andreceiving good.