Analisa dan usulan penerapan Total Productive Maintenance pada PT. Rusli Vinilon Sakti
Penerbit : FTI - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2008
Pembimbing 1 : Tiena G. Amran
Subyek : Total productive maintenance;Machinery in industry - Maintenance and repair
Kata Kunci : PT. Rusli Vinilon Sakti, total productive maintenance
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 30 | |
2. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Bab-1.pdf | 5 | |
3. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Bab-7.pdf |
9. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
10. | 2008_TA_TI_06304168_Lampiran.pdf |
P PT. Rusli Vinilon Sakti merupakan salah satu pabrik pipa yang terbaik di Indonesia. Produk yang dihasilkan terdiri dari jenis pipa PVC (Poly Vin;/ Cloride), dan PE (Polyethylene).Beberapa masalah yang terjadi di lantai produksi dan khususnya bagian maintenance antara lain sering terjadinya breakdown, tidak adanya jadwal perawatan mesin yang tetap, lamanya proses perbaikan komponen, dan masih samarnya faktor-faktor dari akar permasalahan yang sesungguhnya .Hal ini, mengakibatkan efektifitas mesin menurun sehingga merugikan perusahaan .Dengan diagram pareto didapatkan 4 mesin kritis yaitu, mesin extruder, mesin cut off, mesin belling, dan mesin vaccum calibrator, selanjutnya menentukan komponen kritis, dan diperoleh 10 komponen kritis .Setiap komponen mesin memiliki interval waktu penggantian pencegahan dan interval waktu pemeriksaan dengan pengidentifikasiandistribusi yang dilakukan dalam tiga tahap yaitu , identifikasi awal, goodness of fit , dan estimasi parameter yang bertujuan memperoleh nilai availability dan peningkatan reliability .Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) adalah metode pengukuran efektifitas suatuperalatan/mesin .OEE dikenal sebagai salah satu aplikasi program Total Product ive Maintenance (TPM).Kemampuannya mengidentifikasikan secara jelas akar permasalahan dan faktor penyebabnya sehingga membuat usaha perbaikan menjadi terfokus merupakan faktor utama metode ini. Nilai OEE rata-rata pada kondisi sebelum penerapan dari bulan Januari sampai Maret 2008 adalah 77.34%. Implementasi TPM yang dilakukan PT, Rusli Vinilon Sakti, yaitu dengan delapan pilar TPM, minimasi 'six big losses ', autonomous maintenance, planned maintenance , dan maximizing Overall Equipmens Effectiveness, dimana diperoleh nilai OEE rata - rata pada kondisi usulan penerapan dari bulan Apri l sampai Juni 2008 adalah 80.13%. Terdapat kenaikan persentase sebesar 2.79% dari kondisi sebelum penerapan dan setelah penerapanMelalui multiple regresi dan korelasi, pengungkapan akar masalah dan faktorpenyebabnya permasalahan yang ada menjadi lebih jelas.Melalui persamaan multipleregresi, OEE = - 0.396 + 0.000057 Machine Working time (detik)+ 0.000686 Planned downtime (detik) + 1.93 Total Produksi (Kg)- 0.000234 Cycle time actual (detik) - 1.05 Jumlah barang cacat .Variabel independent (machine working time, planned downtime, total produksi , cycle time aktual dan jumlah barang cacat secara signifikan mempengaruhi variable dependenKorelasi koefisien yang disebut dengan r, merupakan ukuran hubungan kekuatan antara variabel dependent dan variabel independent.Hasil yang diperoleh adalah, r 0.996 Machine Working time, r -0. 138 Planned downtime , r 0.998 Total Produksi , r -Cycle time actual, r -0.997 Equipment downtime dan r 0.974 Jumlah barang cacat.
P PT. Rusli Vinilon Sakti is one of the best pipe manufacturing companies in Indonesia. The company produces pipe which is divided into two categories which are PVC (Poly Vinil Cloride) and PE (Polyethylene). There are some problems that the company is being faced currently, especially in the maintenance department such as frequency breakdown, no fix schedule for maintenance, taking a long time for fixing the components, and the real trigger of the problems is still unclear. So the consequence is the decline of affectivity of the machine.Four critical machines are given by using Pareto Diagram, those are extruder machine, cut off machine, belling machine, and vacuum calibrator machine, then finding the critical components and finally 10 critical components are founded. Every components have their own prevention interval time and inspection interval time by identified the distribution which is done by 3 steps, those are first identification, goodness of fit, andparameter estimation which aim to get the availability value and realibility improvement.Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is an affectivity meassurement for a tool ormachine. OEE is known as one of the application programs for Total ProductiveMaintenance (TPM). Its ability to identify the core of any problems and their factors in order to come up with a solution is the superiority for this method. The average value of OEE before the implementation of TPM (during January until March 2008) was 77.34%. TPM is implemented by PT. Rusli Vinilon Sakti along with its 8 pillars, minimize 'six big losses', autonomous maintenance, planned maintenance, and maximizing Overall Equipmens Effectiveness , where the average value gotten in the circumtance of implementing proposal during April until June 2008 is 80.13%. So in conclusion, OEE increases up to 2.79% after the implementation of TPM.The searching of core and factors of the problems is clear through multiplyregression and corelation . The OEE through the multiply regression equalization is given =- 0.396 + 0.000057 Machine Working time (second) + 0.000686 Planned downtime(second) + 1.93 Total Produksi (Kg)- 0.000234 Cycle time actual (second) - 1.05 the amount of defected products. Independent variables (machine working time, planned downtime, total production , actual cycle time and the amount of defected products) influence dependen variable significantly. The corelation coefficient symbolized r, is a measurement for connection between independent variables and dependen variable. The outcomes are r 0.996 Machine Working time, r -0.138 Planned downtime, r 0.998 TotalProduction , r -0.098 actual Cycle time, r -0.997 Equipment downtime and r 0.974 amount of defected products.