Efektifitas penutupan permanen pintu perlintasan kereta api di Jalan K.H Hasyim Ashari
Penerbit : FTSP - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : F. Trisbiantara
Pembimbing 2 : Christina Sari
Subyek : Railroad - A level railroad crossing;Construction - Congestion factor
Kata Kunci : train frequency, idle closing time, level crossing
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 1.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Halaman-judul.pdf | 22 | |
2. | 2.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 3.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 4.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 5.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 6.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 7.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 1 | |
8. | 8.2019_TA_TS_051001400027_Lampiran.pdf |
P Perlintasan sebidang pada jl. K. H. Hasyim Ashari menyebabkan kemacetan yangparah sehingga ditutup permanen. Frekuensi kereta yang lewat sebanyak 263 keretaapi selama 24 jam. Selama jam sibuk kendaraan pagi terdapat 16 kereta per jam,jam sibuk sore sebanyak 15 kereta per jam dan jam sibuk kereta terdapat 17 keretaper jam yang melintas. Arus kendaraan yang melewati perlintasan sebidang K. H.Hasyim Ashari dialihkan pada flyover K. H. Hasyim Ashari yang berada diatasnya.Keadaan DS flyover setelah penutupan sebesar 1.06 dan sebelum penutupan sebesar0.82 terjadi kenaikan sebesar 22.64 %. Keadaan idle closing time yang merupakanwaktu jeda penutupan yang mana untuk keadaan actual sebesar 1826 s dan setelahdiefektifkan menjadi 2325 s. Dengan mengefektifkan idle closing timemendapatkan penambahan waktu sebesar 499 s. Frekuensi kereta maksimalsehingga harus dilakukan penutupan permanen sebesar 40 kereta per jam dandibandingkan dengan frekuensi kereta pada jam sibuk kereta sebesar 17 kereta perjam dimana frekuensinya lebih kecil dibandingkan frekuensi kereta maksimal.Sehingga penutupan perlintasan sebidang tidak efektif dan harus dibuka kembalidengan mengefektifkan keadaan idle closing time-nya.
L Level crossing on the K. H. Hasyim Ashari road caused severe congestion so it was permanently closed. The frequency of trains that passing by is 263 trains for 24 hours. During the morning vehicle rush hour there are 16 trains per hour, afternoon rush hour there are 15 trains per hour and train rush hour there are 17 trains per hour that pass. The flow of vehicles that passing through the K. H. Hasyim Ashari level crossing is diverted to the K. H. Hasyim Ashari flyover. DS situation on flyover after the closing is 1.06 and before the closing is of 0.82 there was an increase of 22.64%.Idle closing time which is the closing interval which for the actual situation is 1826 s and after being effective it becomes 2325 s. By effecting idle closing time get additional idle time as many as 499 s. The maximum train frequency so that permanent closures must be 40 trains per hour and compared to the train frequency at rush hour trains of 17 trains per hour where the frequency issmaller than the maximum train frequency. So that the level crossing closure is not effective and must be reopened by making the idle closing time effective.