Kajian penilaian tingkat keberhasilan revegetasi lahan bekas tambang, unit bisnis pertambangan di PT Aneka Tambang, unit bisnis pertambangan bauksit Tayan, Kalimanta Barat
Nomor Panggil : 618/TT/2019
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2019
Pembimbing 1 : Reza Aryanto
Pembimbing 2 : Ririn Yulianti
Subyek : Mines and mineral resources - Environmental aspects;Revegetation
Kata Kunci : revegetation, evaluation, former mining land
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Bab-1.pdf | 3 | |
3. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Bab-2.pdf | 17 |
4. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Bab-3.pdf | 7 |
5. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Bab-4.pdf | 6 |
6. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Bab-5.pdf | 1 |
7. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Daftar-pustaka.pdf | 4 | |
8. | 2019_TA_TB_073001400096_Lampiran.pdf |
U Usaha pertambangan bauksit memiliki dampak negatif bagi lingkungan sekitar. Dalam Undang-undang No 4 Tahun 2009 pasal 96 pemerintah mewajibkan semuaperusahaan pemegang Izin Usaha Pertambangan Operasi Produksi untukmelaksanakan reklamasi. PT. Aneka Tambang, Unit Bisnis Pertambangan Bauksit Tayan berkomitmen menjaga stabilitas lingkungan tambang dengan melakukanreklamasi dengan cara revegetasi disetiap bukit yang telah selesai ditambang.Hingga saat ini PT. Aneka Tambang Tayan telah selesai melakukan reklamasidibukit 7a. Untuk mengetahui status keberhasilan revegetasi yang telah dilakukan maka diperlukan suatu penilaian. Mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri ESDMNo.1827 Tahun 2018 dan Peraturan Menteri Kehutanan P60 Tahun 2009.Penelitian ini menggunakan sistem purposive random sampling dilahan terganggupada daya tumbuh dan kondisi vegetasi serta meliputi luas area penanaman,pertumbuhan cover crop, pionir dan lokal, bangunan pengendali erosi, danpengelolaan kolam pengendap sedimen. Hasil perhitungan persentasi luas areapenanaman mencapai 95,5% dan luas tumbuh cover crop, pionir dan lokalmasing-masing mencapai 83%, 95,6%, dan 96,5%. Untuk daya tumbuh dankondisi vegetasi mencapai diatas 80% kecuali pada tanaman Jabon yang hanyatercapai 77% untuk daya tumbuh dan 70% untuk kondisi vegetasinya. Sedangkanuntuk bangunan pengendali erosi mencapai 98,85% serta pengelolaan kolampengendap sedimen telah memenuhi baku mutu lingkungan dengan pH > 6.Hasil uji sifat fisika tanah didaerah penelitian termasuk bertekstur lempung danmemiliki porositas diatas 50% dan pH 4-5 serta didominasi tanah Ultisol.Berdasarkan grafik menunjukkan bahwa pengaruh sifat fisik porositas tanah danpH tanah berpengaruh positif. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari grafik yang menunjukkanhubungan sifat fisik tanah terhadap rasio tumbuh dan kondisi vegetasi yangberbanding lurus begitu juga dengan pH tanah yang berbanding lurus terhadappersen tumbuh dan kondisi vegetasinya. Dimana semangkin tinggi porositas tanahdan potensial hidrogen maka akan semangkin baik tanah tersebut mendukungpertumbuhan vegetasi. Hasil penilaian komulatif menunjukkan persentasikeberhasilan revegetasi sebesar 90,47%.
B Bauxite mining business has a negative impact on the surrounding environment. InLaw 96 of Article 96 of the government, the government requires all companiesholding Production Operation Mining Permits to carry out reclamation. PT. AnekaTambang, the Tayan Bauxite Mining Business Unit is committed to maintaining thestability of the mining environment by conducting reclamation by means of revegetationon every hill that has been mined. Until now, PT. Aneka Tambang Tayanhas finished reclaiming the hill 7a. To determine the status of successful revegetationthat has been done, an assessment is needed. Referring to the Minister of Energyand Mineral Resources Regulation No.1827 of 2018 and Minister of ForestryRegulation P60 of 2009. This study uses a purposive random sampling system indisturbed areas on the growth and condition of vegetation and covers the area ofplanting, cover crop growth, pioneers and local, erosion control buildings andmanagement of sediment settling ponds. The results of the calculation of the percentageof planting area reached 95.5% and the area of growing cover crops, pioneersand locales reached 83%, 95.6%, and 96.5% respectively. For powergrowth and vegetation conditions reach above 80% except for Jabon plants whichonly reach 77% for growing power and 70% for vegetation conditions. Whereas forerosion control buildings reached 98.85% and the management of sediment settlingponds has met environmental quality standards with pH > 6. The results of the soilphysical properties test in the study area include clay textures and have porosityabove 50% and pH 4-5 and are dominated by Ultisol soil . Based on the graphshows that the effect of the physical properties of soil porosity and soil pH has apositive effect. This can be seen from the graph which shows the relationship betweenthe physical properties of the soil to the ratio of growth and the condition ofvegetation which is directly proportional to the soil pH which is directly proportionalto the percent growth and the condition of the vegetation. Where the soilporosity is high and the potential for hydrogen will be better, the soil will supportthe growth of vegetation. The cumulative assessment results show a percentage ofsuccessful revegetation of 90.47%.