Studi pelayanan fasilitas sosial di Perumahan Bintaro Jaya
Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2007
Pembimbing 1 : Aidid A. Gafar
Pembimbing 2 : Reny Savitri,
Subyek : Social facilities;Consideration of distributing social facilities;Criteria for planning social facilities
Kata Kunci : soial facilities, Bintaro Jaya Housing, public's facilities
Status Posting : Published
Status : Tidak Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Halaman-Judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Bab-1.pdf | 6 | |
3. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Bab-2.pdf | 8 |
4. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Bab-3.pdf | 12 |
5. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
8. | 2007_TA_SPW_08302004_Lampiran.pdf |
S Semakin meningkatnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kegiatan di perumahan Bintaro Jaya, akan menyebabkan permasalahan dalam ketersediaan fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum. Keterbatasan pengelola Perumahan dalam penyediaan fasilitas sosial dan fasilitas umum tidak hanya menjadi permasalahan Perumahan Bintaro Jaya saja, akan tetapi memberikan pengaruh pada wilayah sekitarnya. Dalam hal ini, fasilitas sosial / fasilitas umum perumahan yang ditinjau adalah fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan.Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, maka diadakanlah penelaahan mengenai persebaran pusat kegiatan fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan di Perumahan Bintaro Jaya. Selanjutnya, dilakukan pula penelaahan mengenai persepsi/pendapat konsumen (user) terhadap tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan diperumahan bintaro jaya.Sasaran untuk mencapai hasil tersebut, dirumuskan sebagai berikut:1. Mengkaji tingkat pelayanan fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan di Perumahan Bintaro Jaya yang meliputi kuantitas dilihat dari ketersediaan fasilitas tersebut dengan jumlah penduduknya (distribusi) dan kualitas pelayanan fasilitas dilihat dari persepsi pengunjung / pengguna (user). 2. Mengkaji tingkat pemanfaatan kegiatan pendidikan yaitu fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan di Perumahan Bintaro Jaya yang meliputi karakteristik pengunjung yang dikaitkan dengan cara pengunjung memanfaatkan fasilitas tersebut.Ada dua alat analisis yang digunakan untuk mencapai sasaran tersebut. Super impose dengan teknik overlay untuk menguji tingkat pelayanan kegiatan pendidikan dan kegiatan ekonomi terhadap penduduk, sedangkan Tabulasi silang untuk menguji tingkat pemanfaatan fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan. Lokasi sebaran pelayanan fasilitas pendidikan terdistribusi pada kawasan yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk sedang dan rendah. Demikian pula dengan sebaran pelayanan fasilitas perbelanjaan terdistribusi pada kawasan yang memiliki kepadatan penduduk sedang dan rendah. Selain itu disimpulkan pula tingkat pemanfaatan pada fasilitas pendidikan sebesar 56,3% berasal dari luar Perumahan Bintaro Jaya, pada fasilitas perbelanjaan sebesar 59,2% berasal dari luar Perumahan Bintaro Jaya. Hasil menunjukan, bahwa terdistribusi pelayanan untuk fasilitas pendidikan dan perbelanjaan belum merata dan pemanfaatan fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan lebih banyak digunakan oleh penduduk diluar Perumahan Bintaro Jaya. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi pemasalahan sebaran fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan yang tidak merata di Perumahan Bintaro Jaya perlu dilakukan penataan lokasi fasilitas sosial di Perumahan Bintaro Jaya sehingga bisa merata disetiap kawasan dan mudah dijangkau. Pembangunan fasilitas pendidikan dan fasilitas perbelanjaan diluar Perumahan Bintaro Jaya harus dilakukan untuk mengurangi beban lalu lintas sehingga tidak mengurangi kenyamanan penduduk Perumahan Bintaro Jaya.
T The increasing of growth and the development of the activity in Bintaro Jaya housing , will cause the problem in the availability of social facilities and the public's facilities. The limitations of the housing management in the provisions of social facilities and the public's facilities only did not become the problem of Bintaro Jaya Housing, but gave the influence to the surrounding territory. In this case, social facilities/facilities of the housing public that were considered were educational facilities and shopping facilities.Based on the background above, then was held the research concerning the spread of the centre of the activity and shopping facilities of educational facilities in Bintaro Jaya Housing. Further, was carried also out by the research concerning the perception/the consumer's opinion (user) towards the level of the utilization of educational facilities and shopping facilities at Bintaro Jaya housing.The target to achieve these results, was formulated as follows: 1. Studied the level of the service and shopping facilities of educational facilities in Bintaro Jaya Housing that covered the quantity was seen from the availability of these facilities with the number of his inhabitants (the distribution) and the quality of the facilities service was seen from the perception of the visitor/the user (user). 2. Studied the level of the utilizations of the educational activity that is educational facilities and shopping facilities in Bintaro Jaya Housing that covered the characteristics of the visitor who was connected by means of the visitor made use of these facilities.There were two analysis tools that were used to achieve this target. Super impose with overlay technique to test the level of the service and the economic activity of the educational activity towards the inhabitants, whereas Cross Tabulation to test the level of the utilization of educational facilities and shopping FacilitiesThe location of the distribution of the service of educational facilities distributed to the region that had population density middle and low.Likewise with the distribution of the service of shopping facilities distributed to the region that had population density middle and low.Moreover was concluded also the level of the utilization in educational facilities of 56.3% came from outside Bintaro Jaya Housing, in shopping facilities of 59.2% came from outside Bintaro Jaya Housing. The result show that the service distributed for educational facilities and the shopping was not yet equitable and the utilization of educational facilities and shopping facilities was more often used by the inhabitants outside Bintaro Jaya Housing.Efforts that were carried out to overcome the problem of educational facilities and shopping facilities that not spread equally at Bintaro jaya housing must be carried out by the location arrangement of social facilities in Bintaro Jaya Housing so as to be able to be equitable at each of the region and was easy to be covered. The development of educational facilities and shopping facilities outside Bintaro Jaya Housing carried must be carried out to reduce the burden of the traffic so as to not reduce the inhabitant’s comfort of Bintaro Jaya Housing.