Evaluasi penggunaan geosteering pada sumur sidetrack X-IIST di lapangan Z
Nomor Panggil : 639/TP/2017
Penerbit : FTKE - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2017
Pembimbing 1 : Abdul Hamid
Pembimbing 2 : Samsol
Subyek : Drill wells;Oil reservoir engineering
Kata Kunci : wells, drilled, Cibuluh
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Halaman-judul.pdf | ||
2. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Bab-1.pdf | ||
3. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Bab-6.pdf |
8. | 2017_TA_TM-071001300160_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | ||
9. | 2017_TA_TM_071001300160_Lampiran.pdf |
S Sumur X-11 merupakan sumur infill yang akan dibor pada Lapangan Zmilik PHE ONWJ. Sumur ini akan di bor secara horizontal dimana keseluruhanhorizontal section-nya akan berada di dalam reservoir. Reservoir target dari sumurX-11 ini adalah formasi Baturaja dengan litologi limestone yang terletak padakedalaman 2712 ft sampai dengan 2732.59 TVD dengan ketebalan sekitar 20.41ft. Pemboran awal digunakan dengan cara konvensional tanpa menggunakan alatgeosteering. Pemboran awalnya berjalan dengan baik dan berhasil masuk kedalam reservoir sesuai dengan perencanaan. Namun, tidak lama setelah masuk kedalam reservoir, ketika pemboran horizontal section berlangsung, sumur X-11berhenti menemui formasi limestone dan terus menerus menemui formasi shale.Pemboran sumur X-11 kemudian dihentikan karena diprediksi lintasan pemboranX-11 telah keluar dari reservoir. Sumur X-11 akhirnya harus ditutup laluditinggalkan. Agar reservoir target dapat tetap diproduksikan, diputuskan untukmembuat sumur sidestrack dari X-11 yaitu X-11ST. Pada sumur sidetracktersebut, digunakan alat geosteering yang mampu mendeteksi boundariesreservoir sehingga model reservoir dapat diperkirakan dan lintasan pemborandapat menyesuaikan. Geosteering memiliki Depth of Investigation 15 ft ke atasdan 15 ft ke bawah sehingga cocok digunakan pada reservoir target X-11 yangmemiliki ketebalan hanya 20.41 ft. Setelah pemboran sumur sidetrack dilakukan,reservoir target berhasil dicapai dan dapat diproduksikan. Melalui pemboransidetrack X-11ST dapat diketahui bahwa penyebab keluarnya lintasan pemboransumur X-11 dari reservoir adalah model reservoir yang awalnya diperkirakaniiberbentuk lateral horizontal namun pada keadaan aslinya memiliki struktur siklin.Kesalahan model geologi ini dapat terjadi karena adanya kesalahan pada modelseismic awal yang tidak memperhitungkan noise yang berasal dari shale gas yangterdapat pada lapisan Cisubuh di atas lapisan target, Baturaja.
X X-11 well is an infill well which will be drilled in Z field, owned by PHEONWJ. This well will be drilled horizontally where the whole horizontal sectionwill be positioned inside the reservoir. The targeted resevoir of X-11 well islimestones in Baturaja formation. This formation is located at 2712 ft to 2732 ftTVD with reservoir thickness about 20.41 ft. The drilling process of X-11 wasfine at the beginning and managed to enter the targeted reservoir successfully.Thus, not long after the horizontal section drilling started, X-11 well stoppedpenetrating limestone and keep penetrating shale. The drilling procedure was thenstopped because it was predicted that the well path of X-11 had gotten out of thereservoir. X-11 well was finally plugged and got to be left. In order to produce thetargeted resevoir, another well must be drilled. Therefore, a sidetrack well, X-11ST was decided to be drilled with geosteering tool. Geosteering tool is able todetect the reservoir boundaries and predict the reservoir model for the welltrajectory to adjust. The Depth of Investigation (DOI) that a geosteering toolposess is 15 ft upwards and 15 downwards. Therefore it is suitable for the targetedreservoir of X-11 well with thickness 20.41 ft. Once the sidetrack drillingprocedure was done, the targeted reservoir was well reached and able to beproduced profitably. Through the drilling process of sidetrack well, X-11 ST, itwas discovered that main cause of X-11 well path got out the reservoir was theactual reservoir model that differs from the planned reservoir model. Before thedrilling was done, the reservoir model was predicted to be fully horizontal.Whereas, the actual reservoir has a dipping structure. The false geologicalivmodelling occured because of the false seismic modelling at first place which canhappen because of the uncorrected noise caused by shale gas from the upper layer,Cisubuh