Antecedents dari perilaku compulsive buying dikalangan remaja
Nomor Panggil : 2017_TA_MJ_022131016
Penerbit : FEB - Usakti
Kota Terbit : Jakarta
Tahun Terbit : 2017
Pembimbing 1 : Asep Hermawan
Subyek : Parent-adolescent cohesion;Marketing management
Kata Kunci : parent-adolescent conflict, adolescent selfesteem, adolescent stress.
Status Posting : Published
Status : Lengkap
No. | Nama File | Hal. | Link |
1. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Halaman-Judul.pdf | 17 | |
2. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Bab-1.pdf | 10 | |
3. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Bab-2.pdf |
4. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Bab-3.pdf |
5. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Bab-4.pdf |
6. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Bab-5.pdf |
7. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Daftar-Pustaka.pdf | 8 | |
8. | 2017_TA_MJ_022131016_Lampiran.pdf |
P Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan meneliti pengaruh dari Parentadoles centCohesion dan Parent-adolescent Conflict, terhadap Adolescent Selfesteemdan Adolescent Stress, yang berpengaruh terhadap Compulsive buyingbehavior di kalangan remaja. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah purposivesampling, dengan kriteria responden remaja pada umur 18-21 tahun dan pernahmelakukan impulse buying yaitu pembelian tanpa perencanaan sebelumnya dalamsebulan terakhir. Data diperoleh dengan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner danterkumpul sebanyak 194 responden. Alat analisis data yang digunakan adalahStructural Equation Model (SEM) melalui program AMOS.Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, terdapat pengaruh positifParent-adolescent Cohesion terhadap Adolescent Self-esteem, terdapat pengaruhnegatif Parent-adolescent Conflict terhadap Adolescent Self-esteem, terdapatpengaruh positif Parent-adolescent Conflict terhadap Adolescent Stress, teradapatpengaruh negatif Adolescent Self-esteem terhadap Adolescent Compulsive buyingbehavior, dan terdapat pengaruh positif Adolescent Stress terhadap AdolescentCompulsive buying behavior Penelitian ini menghasilkan implikasi : (1) bagi masyarakat khususnya orangtuadapat mengurangi atau mencegah perilaku compulsive buying anak remajanyamelalui membantu membangun self-esteem yang baik dan mengurangi rasa stressyang dialami anaknya, dengan cara mengurangi konflik dan meningkatkan kedekatanhubungan dengan anaknya. (2) bagi manajer pemasaran hendaknya tidakmengkomunikasikan produknya sebagai produk yang mengurangi stress danmemperbaiki self-esteem, karena hal tersebut akan semakin mendorong perilakupembelian kompulsif.
T This study aims to test and examine the influence of Parent-adolescentCohesion and Parent-adolescent Conflict towards the Adolescent self-esteem andAdolescent Stress, and the influence of Adolescent self-esteem and Adolescent Stresstowards Compulsive buying behavior among adolescents. The technique used is the sample of purposive sampling, with the criteria of teenage respondents aged 18-21 years and do impulse buying i.e. purchases without previous planning within the past month. The data obtained by disseminating a questionnaire and collected as many as 194 respondents. Data analysis tools that used was Structural Equation Model (SEM)via AMOS program.. The results of this research show that there are positive influences, Parentadolescent Cohesion towards Adolescent self-esteem, there is a negative influence Parent-adolescent Conflict towards Adolescent self-esteem, there is a positive influence Parent-adolescent Conflict towards Adolescent Stress, negative influence of Adolescent self-esteem towards Adolescent Compulsive buying behavior, and there is a positive influence Adolescent Stress towards Adolescent Compulsivebuying behavior.The findings provide several implications to: (1) society especially parentscan reduce or prevent compulsive buying behavior of their children through reducingthe conflict and improving the relationship with the child to help build their selfesteem and relieve the stress experienced by their children are known can reduce the affect of their compulsive buying behavior. (2) marketing manager should not communicate their product as a product that reduces stress and improves self-esteem, because it would further encourage compulsive purchase behavior.