Kualitas pelayanan pada Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort

Oleh : Miranti Verdiana Zamrajjasa

Info Katalog

Penerbit : FEB - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2012

Pembimbing 1 : Luki Adiati Pratomo

Subyek : Sales Promotion - Marketing

Kata Kunci : service quality, customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and word of mouth.

Status : Lengkap

Status Posting : Published

File Repositori
No. Nama File Hal. Link
1. 2012_TA_MJ_022070168_7.pdf
2. 2012_TA_MJ_022070168_6.pdf
3. 2012_TA_MJ_022070168_5.pdf
4. 2012_TA_MJ_022070168_4.pdf
5. 2012_TA_MJ_022070168_3.pdf
6. 2012_TA_MJ_022070168_2.pdf
7. 2012_TA_MJ_022070168_1.pdf

P Pelaksanaan magang ini sebagai media yang digunakan untuk menyusun laporan kerja hasil magang, melalui program magang yang diselenggarakan oleh Universitas Trisakti. Program magang ini bertujuan memberikan kesempatan dan pengalaman kepadan mahasiswa untuk mengenal dunia kerja. Magang ditempatkan bagian Sales and Marketing sebagai Public Relation pada Aston Bogor Hotel and Resort, Bogor. Topik yang diangkat dalam laporan magang ini adalah pengaruh kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen pada Aston Bogor Hotel and Resort. Laporan magang inin menunjukan hubungan kualitas pelayanan Aston Bogor Hotel and Resort dengan kepuasan pelanggan, repurchase intention, dan word-of-mouth.

T This apprentice was conducted as media which is used to compose the findings of apprentice’s report, through the apprentice program which is held by the University of Trisakti. The objective of this program is to give an opportunity and experience to the writer to know the working environment. The apprentice program is in Sales and Marketing as Public Relation of Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort, Bogor. The topic of this program is service quality influence on the customer satisfaction toward Aston Bogor Hotel and Resort. This internship report show the relationship between service quality with customer satisfaction, repurchase intention, and word of mouth.

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