International conference : answering the challenges in today's civil engineering (2006 January 25-26 : Jakarta)

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Penerbit : FTSP - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2006

Daftar Artikel
No. Judul Detail
1. Halaman judul
2. Building a safer Aceh, reconstruction of houses, one year after the Dec.26, 2004 tsunami
3. A step to star
4. Answering the challenges in today's civil engineering
5. New design and construction procedures for seismic design of precast concrete buildings
6. Recent advances in modelling and simulations of engineering structures
7. Coupling beam with rhombic lay-out reinforcement
8. Equivalent monolithic system on precast/prestressed element joints for seismic prone area in Indonesia
9. Flexural eccentrically braced frame a more ductile EBF
10. Mechanical properties of polyolefin fibres reinforced foamed concrete
11. Failure mechanism of single bolt connection laminated veneer lumber under axial tension load
12. Recent trend of cable-stayed bridge in Indonesia
13. Acacia mangium species as the new potential structural timber in Indonesia
14. Performance of space frame connections : laboratory tests and finite element analysis
15. Dynamic compaction on sand
16. Interdisciplinary approaches in civil engineering : from numerical theory to sustainable construction
17. Benkelman beam modification and development of low cost curvature meter for pavement structural evaluation
18. Pitfalls and mistakes to avoid in managing large construction projects
19. Development of a management system for municipal sewers
20. Pre-implementation of knowledge management in construction
21. Reaching the star with the intangibles
22. Claims, disputes and apportioning of the accellera tion costs in construction
23. Study of tidal flow arrangement at road section Bogor-Puncak-Cianjur, West Ja Va, Indonesia
24. Is travel behavior in urban areas stable and transferable over a long time span?
25. Ann in hydrology for prediction of watershed runoff
26. Qual2e model presentation of heavy metal pollution in Bekok River, Johor, Malaysia
27. Relationship between rainfall intensity and daily rainfall
28. Application of fuzzy set concepts in determining construction delay because of rain
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