International seminar on sustainable urban development (2008 August 20-21: Jakarta)

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Penerbit : FALTL - Usakti

Kota Terbit : Jakarta

Tahun Terbit : 2008

Daftar Artikel
No. Judul Detail
1. Halaman judul
2. A brief critical questions of sustainable development
3. Urban management for sustainable development - land use and water
4. Waste treatment technology for a sustainable urban development
5. The role of environment simulator to control environmental problems
6. Environmental design behavior and its impact on sustanibility of urban development
7. Managing Indonesias cultural landscape in a sustainable way
8. Project experience
9. Pro-poor governance and participatory planning
10. Community based sanitation & solid waste management in urban areas
11. Background and approaches of the program kampung makeover
12. Urbanization and poverty reduction in some cities in Indonesia
13. Pro poor urban development
14. Anaerobic fermentation of fresh vegetable and fruit wastes
15. Effluent of laboratory wastewater treatment by heliconia rostrata to degradation of organic matter (COD) and total suspended solid (TSS)
16. Design of a water recycle system in a food industry
17. Color removal of C.I. reactive orange 16 by mixed culture of fungi immobilized on mussel shells
18. Biodegradation of monoclhorototriazinyl reaktive red by pseudomonas rudinensis and pseudomonas diminuta
19. Preliminary study of crude oil hydrocarbon degradation by dominant fungal isolates
20. Potential application of biosurfactant produced from azotobacter SP in oil industry
21. Wastewater regeneration to minimize industrial cooling water flowrate
22. Minimization of total cost for medical waste treatment system in Bandung City
23. Creating sustainable open space developments in urban housing areas through community participation
24. Sustainability of water supply systems for poor communities
25. Environmentally community-based urban drainage management
26. Land use, transport and the environment
27. Indonesias most suitable municipal solid waste (MSW) management
28. Characteristic of water supply and willingness to pay to determine water tariff
29. Water quality determination used phytoplankton community in Saguling Reservoir
30. System interrelationship model to approach minimization on CO2, emission from house and life in cities
31. Evaluation of water quality sampling point with HP2S model
32. The environmental impact of pesticides use on soil, water and commodities in Yogyakarta province
33. Strategic framework for optimizing water resources carrying capacity as a basis for sustaining urban development
34. Developing a model of citys land resources carrying capacity
35. Using geographic information systems in flood prone area management for sustainable development
36. Global warming control through the application of participation conservation model in the catchment area of Wonogiri Dam, Bengawan Solo River Basin
37. Visual landscape preferences and meaning of of tourism areas in Indonesia
38. The potency of Glodok China town historical landscape for tourism development
39. The need to establish a nursery standard towards a sustainable urban landscape in Malaysia
40. Towards sustainable Kuala Lumpur city
41. Revitalising backlanes using CPTED concept to prevent crime
42. Linking comfort and place attachment dimensions
43. Trend analysis of green open public space (GOPS) at Kebayoran Baru Jakarta
44. Re-fertilize tailing deposite after gold mining operation using organic matter and humic acid
45. Plywood glue mix sludge recycle as a filler
46. Analysis of sansevieria SP. and hibiscus rosa-sinensis capability in reducing CO gas concentration
47. Biofilter as an alternative water treatment to remove organic matter
48. Used of fly and bottom ash (coal combustion by-products) for paving block with solidification/stabilization method
49. The carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous contents in the biowaste solid fraction after pre-treating in a mechanical biological treatment process
50. Formulation of zoning regulation principles for urban agriculture activity in Surabaya
51. Natural resources analysis for development of zonation planning of Western Coastal area of Kabupaten Pandeglang - Banten Provence based on GIS
52. Technical plan of 3R program for collection and transportation of domestic waste in subdistrict Grogol Petamburan, West Jakarta
53. Bali cities as models for sustainable urban development
54. Study of correlations spatial indeks housing and physical environmental quality of residential
55. Recycle industry of plastic scrap in the context of city waste management
56. New area development with water management system
57. Environmental factors and eco-epidemiological model of malaria in Indonesia
58. Modeling of the reaeration due to dissolved oxygen fluctuation in the Ciliwung river
59. Optimization model of applying integrated solid waste treatment technology
60. Study of small lakes as supporting city ecosystem in Jakarta
61. Policy analysis of urban green openspace management in Jakarta city, Indonesi
62. River banks prevention as virtual effort to conservate water
63. The effect of temporal aspect aesthetic quality of ricefield landscape
64. Sadulur Rapat Kalima Pancer in landscape symbolism of Surakarta Hadiningrat Palace within the context of sustainable urban development
65. The green infrastructure urban landscape design base on local knowlegde
66. Implementation of eco-park concept in green open space to support the sustainable development
67. Landscape codes
68. Ecotourism, conservation in urban area
69. The influence of using perforated concrete block paving. grass and gravel as ground cover to infiltration
70. The function of open space for China descent community in Tangerang City
71. Green open space as a reins of urban environmental quality
72. Preserving the unique Javan Gibbon ecosystem og the mount Halimun National Park, West Java, Indonesia
73. The role of the plant at the bottom to the continuity of forest ecosystem
74. Environmental economics as a paradigm in land use planning and green open space management to support sustainable urban development in Indonesia
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