Analisis potensi dan dampak ekonomi penyaluran ZIS, serta pengembangan model kelembagaan ZIS, untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan kaum dhuafa (studi kasus lembaga penyalur zakat, infaq, shodaqohdi DKI Jaya): tahun ke 1 dari rencana 3 tahun
T The population of Muslims in Indonesia, which has the obligation and ability to pay Zakat Fitrah approximately 11.21 million people,where the total value of Zakat Fitrah should be paid to the Dhuafa on every Ramadan month, is about USD 22.4 Million.It is a large amount of money for the payment of Zakat Fitrah only. Infaq and shodaqoh when combined as a whole will be show the magnitude of potential coming from this religious bond. The present paper aims to examine the potency and impact 012.1.S distribution on the welfare of Dhuafa in DKI Jakarta. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to Muzzaki, Mustahiq and official management staff of zakat institution registered in BAZNAS. Multiple linier regression models were used to test the hypotheses. Hypothesis testing result indicate there is a positive and significant influence of the implementation of Z.I.S programs on social welfare. Based on these studies, as well as several performance reports from each Z.I.S institutions, then the outline shows a progress which promising hope for dhuafa in order to improve their well-being, associated with an increased income, education, and their health. • Based on the result of individual test where several sub-variables of Z.I.S implementation, such as mustahiq empowerment and giving Z.I.S for enterprises development, were a big influence on mustahiq welfare. This explains the existence of mustahiq awareness to increase knowledge and skill, especially related with desire to develop their businesses. Meanwhile, zakat for consumptive, providing aid of facilities and infrastructure, as well as aid of partnership, proved have no effect, then this condition indicates these programs are not effective because it is not giving an impact on Mustahiq welfare ongoing basis. Both the research findings based on the perception of the respondent as well as based on 10 analysis, conclusions about how the potential and impact of the implementation of ZIS