Jurnal Teknik Elektro (JETri)

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Syamsir Abduh
12 p.
Ball lightning
In order to understand the atmospheric or lightning surges it would be important to understand the theory behind lightning. This paper presents a review of literature of ball lightning as a discharge phenomenon. It is assumed that ball lightning is produced and sustained by the electric fields associated with charges from a lightning strike dispersing along preferred conducting paths in the earth. The theory gives an explanation of the formation, lifetime, energy sources and motion of a ball lightning.
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Syamsir Abduh
12 p.
Transmission tower - Lightning
Power systems are often subjected to overvoltages that have their origin in atmospheric discharges in which case they are called external or lightning overvltages. Lightning overvoltages remain essentially independent of the system s design such as transmissions tower. Owing to the complexity of a lightning phenomenon. However, it is difficult to simulate the distribution of lightning striking point. Previous lightning simulation experiment can not well reflect the influence of lightning strength and direction on striking. The paper presents the Lattice method to analyze lightning phenomenon strenght especially for the transmission tower.
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Ferrianto Gozali
16 p.
Engineering design
Design is an activity that requires not only fundamental knowlegde in the domain of the application and understanding of the interactions with other aspects such as ergonomic, economic, technical and social but also creativity of designers. To generate innovate solutions, expert designers often use their experiences, the history of failed as well as successful designs, as a valuable information source to help them to solve a current design problem. For beginners, such information is even more valuable. Thus, experiences earned from previous design processes can be a rich source of ideas and inspiration in every stage of design. Case-based reasoning or CBR is a methodology in automated reasoning and machine learning. In CBR, a reasoner solves a new problem by searching for the similarity of the problem to one or several previosly solved problems stored as cases in the case base and then adapting their known solutions instead of working out a solution from scratch. Designers analyse the design problem through formal methods, but creating a new design requires previous experiences, or at least, exposure to anothers design experiences. In case-based design, CBR supports a design process by reminding designers of previous design experinces that can help to solve new design problems. This paper describes a preliminary survey of CBR application in design to support research of CBR application in engineering design education. A CBR basic concept will be explored first followed by a general step of engineering design process. It is also described issues raised by the application CBR in design process, and finally we propose the possibilities of introducing a CBR method in engineering design education.
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Chairul G Irianto
12 p.
Energy saving - Electrical energy
This study is aimed to save electrical energy in building by making use of the sun light which passes through the windows. The proposed steps are to change the luminaires so the effective spread light is focused and altering light group switch to control the lamps with talking external light into consideration.
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Kiki Prawiroredjo
12 p.
Transmission control protocol
Voice over IP (voIP) technology enables the real time transmission of voice signals as packetized data over IP network that employ the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), Real Time Transport Protocol (RTP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Internet Protocol (IP) suite. In VoIP systems, analog voice signals are digitized and transmitted as a stream of packets over a digital data network. IP networks allow each packet to independently find the most efficient path to the intended destination, thereby best using the network resources at any given instant. The packets associated with a single source may thus take many different paths to the destination in traversing the network, arriving with different end to end delays, arriving out of sequence, or possibly not arriving at all. At the destination, however, the packets are reassemebled and converted back into the original voice signal. Voip technology insures proper reconstruction of the voice signals, compensating for echoes made audible due to the end to end delay, for jitter and for dropped packets. Variation among Voip products include the algorithms and implementations used to support dynamic bandwidth allocation, packet loss recovery, adaptive echo cancellation and speech processing to driver voice quality as high as possible.
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Irda Winarsih
16 p.
Transients (Electricity)
Observation on transient behavior is crucial because from this study we are able to comprehend major parameters possessed by variuos electrical and electronic appliances. For this purpose of observation, appropiate measuring instruments/equipments are necessary. Sometimes it is difficult in realizing the expected observation. In many cases, transient behavior can improve the performance and efficiency of electrical devices; while in some other cases it may result in instability, or eve failure in the system. By Studying the responses of RLC circuit, at least we can have some interpretation and explanation about the fundamental of transient behavior in numerous electrical and electronic equipments. There are several parameters, which can be analyzed such as maximum voltage and time (peak tima tm and settling time tg), from the RLC circuits discussed in the next topic.
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Yuli Kurnia Ningsih
12 p.
Signalling network
This paper analyses the performance of the signalling network no. 7, based on its grade of service (GOS). Computer software is designed and employed, based on visual basic 6.0 to simulate the signalling network system which is based on CCD no. 7. The facilities of this simulation software is so design as to enable the user to change inputs, using different values: number of nodes, average traffic, internode distance, routing, transmission medium, number of channel. This in turn would make it possible to analyse the efficiency of the network an hence the optimum performance desired.
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Henry Candra
8 p.
Digital video - Standards
MPEG-1 is one of the standarts to encode the information in digital signal. This standard is widely used in many application such audio, video and teleconferencing. The concept of the MPEG-1 video encoding is discussed in this paper to give better understanding to the reader of what MPEG-1 video, and how it can be more appcable. The benefits of MPEG-1 video encoding are the file size produced is smaller than the source, the standard has been used in many applications, and also the encoding and decoding are easy to do back and forth.
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Ferrianto Gozali
16 p.
Virtual computer systems ; Client/server computing ; Operating systems (Computers)
The rapid development of internet technology can be reflected by the increasing number of the internet users, the complexity of the applications in the internet and its related computer network technolgy. Nowadays, more and more companies are moving their businesses on the internet. Once the companies have decided that they want to utilize the internet to support their business activities, their consideration not only based on their needs when the system is set up but also the prediction about future condition. Any interrupt or stop of services on the servers means business losses, and high availibility of these servers becomes increasing important. The load on popular internet sites is growing rapidly, some have already got tens of millions hits per day. More and more administrators have met the performance bottleneck problem of their servers, and with the increasing access request the servers will be easily overloaded for a short time. This paper presents how to create Linux virtual servers or in brief we called LVS. LVS implements parallel processing concept in the Linux based computer network. LVS is a high-performance and highly available server built on a cluster of real servers. By utilizing one computer as a LVS director which is responsible to distribute uder accesses, LVS will be able to shcedule and distribute the load into number of LVS real server. In the system, we utilize the method of IP-level load balancing to make parallel services of the cluster to appear as a virtual service on a single IP address via Network Address Translation. They are two scheduling algorithms used, a Round Robin and Weight Least Cost load balancing. In order to test the performance of the LVS system, an LVS web server is developed in the Computer System Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, Trisakti University. The response of the web server using different number of real servers and different load balancing algorithm, round robin and wight least cost, is monitored.
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8 p.
Electric waves ; Refractive index
Fiber optic refractive index profile can be reconstructed from its mode field distribution. To analyzed this mode field image (digital image form), one formula, which derived from scalar wave equation, is needed to describe a relationship between the intensity and refractive index value as a radial function. This paper included numerical analysis to solve the second order differentiation and made the formula more suitable for computer process.
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