Business and Entrepreneurial Review

The study is conducted in order to understand any aspects effecting Paramadina University students’ entrepreneurial intention. The intention is measured by using planner behavior theory approach. The subject of the study are 238 students of Paramadina University who have taken entrepreneurship course. The sampling technique used in the study is the proportional cluster sampling. The data analysis are done by using descriptive statistic analysis and multi-regression analysis. The results of the study show that the entrepreneurial intention of the students of Paramadina University is moderately high and all variables show the significant effects toward the intention. The result strengthens some previous studies which have given practical and theoretical implications. Theoretically the results also state that perceived behavior control is the least affecting aspect related in entrepreneurial intention. The specific result of the research is the highest effect of subjective norms toward students’ entrepreneurial intention.
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Atria Windyasita
Price ; Bank - DKI
The background of this research was a hope from the consumer to gate a high quality of service, but the reality that service quality is low than the expected. There was indicated that consumer have a gap between three dimensions of intangibility with the dimensions of perceived risk. The objective (s) of this research was to understand if there is on effect between three dimension of intangibility with dimensions of perceived risk at Johnny Andrean Hairstylist at Tangerang City. Data analysis used in this research is primer data and using simple random sampling to collect the data, analysis method data in this research is using Multiple Regression Method with SPSS program software version 12.00. Respondent in this research are the customer, client DKI bank in Jakarta. The result of this research conclude that the company which offered their service must have an attention to the dimensions of intangibility. So the company can decrease the perceived risk which faced by customer.
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Arief Daryanto
15 p.
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Tiktik Sartika
16 p.
small-scale industry
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Maria R. Nindita
18 p.
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22 p.
information technology
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Endriatmo Soetarto
8 p.
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Hendry Herijanto
12 p.
Banks and banking ; Islamic banking
This study begins to approach the issue by applying the agency theory, moral hazards theory, and stakeholder theory, as well as the Adverse Selection theory by Stiglitz and weiss (1981) and Bad Management by Berger and Young (1997). The last two theories mainly refer to the processing part of the matter to start with, but the last one uses a concept where it is the management (of a bank) that must be questioned how efficient they do their job. Management is a wide concept, and such as, which managerial factors that could affect the reaction of NPL/NPF must be detailed. This is study could be breakdown the three group attributes above to constitute eleven factors, i.e. credit knowledge and skills, integrity and professionalism, spirituality level, moral leadership, corporate culture, hard budget policy, reward and penalty system, credit culture, reputation checking, due diligence and care, and supervision or audit. Further this study hypothesizes that these eleven factors could affect the creation of NPL/NPF, and the creation of NPF is lower in Islamic bank than that of NPL in conventional bank, because the application of those factors is hypothesizes stronger or better in the first type of bank by its management than in the second, due to its philosophy and the laws that govern. A research has been completed, employing statistical variance and F test on the data gathered from all the 28 Islamic bank/bank units in existence, and 28 conventional banks. The study has concluded that all the eleven factors of the internal management can influence the creation of NPL/NPF in both banks. The study further proves that these factors, independently or as the combination of all, are applied better in Islamic bank than in conventional bank, due to the fact the syariah concept itself not only applied in conducting the business, but also used as a moral reference in dayly working environment. As a result, the average level of NPF is lower in bank syariah than NPL level of conventional bank under study.
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Dedi Iskamto
Jakarta Stock Exchange
This paper primarily aims to investigate the seasonality of weekly and monthly stock returns in an emerging stock market of a developing country namely Indonesia. Evidence on return seasonality and January effect would have important implications for investment strategies to gain abnormal returns and it would invalidate the paradigm of the efficient markets hypothesis. For the period 1999-2006, daily returns on the Jakarta Stock Exchange (JSX) are employed. Using the standard ARIMA and regression analysis model, there was no evidence of weekly and monthly seasonality as well as January effect in the JSX returns. These results indicate that investors cannot take any advantage of information about the month of the year when investing un the ASE to gain abnormal returns. On the other words, these new findings indicate that investors in the JSX should not consider the seasonal effects when constructing their portfolio.
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Thoby Mutis
7 p.
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Ine S. Ruky
20 p.
trade liberalization
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David Thamint
7 p.
human resource development
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a a
;(Pakis) TANAMAN
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Hedonism, Utilitarianism
Empirical evidence has shown that different consumers behave differently even when presented with the same shopping atmosphere and or with the same product. In relatively recent years the literature has therefore abandoned the traditional cognitive paradigm and has focused upon the role of mood, emotions, and pleasure in the consumer behavior. Shopping orientation is today discussed in terms of economics versus “recreational” or “hedonic” versus “utilitarian” orientation. The objective of this research was to measure the effect of hedonism and utilitarianism influence perceived value. Store, loyalty, and perceived amount of transaction for fashion product. The methods used in this study were simple regression and multiple regressions thus processed with SPSS software. Data analysis was collected by distributing questioners to 450 respondents in Jakarta and Bogor. There were 430 completed respondents and usable for analysis. The result of this research concluded that hedonism and utilitarianism have positively significant influence to perceived value store loyalty, and perceived amount of transaction for fashion products. By knowing the hedonism and utilitarianism customer character, a store fashion manager will be able to compose better strategies. n
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Alan R. Nankervis
16 p.
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Victor Siagian
16 p.
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Asep Hermawan
8 p.
islamic bank ; customer satisfaction
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Willi Arafah
10 p.
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Hariadi Kardono
Finance ; Acquisition
The acquisition strategy can cause transfer of control from Targeting Firm to Acquiring Firm but there are some consequence which cause the acquiring firm to go to into some problems and difficulties. This research analysis changes on operating and cash flow performance, three years prior and after acquisition on firms that perform acquisition from 1997 until 2001. This research uses secondary data and parametric test that uses ratio scale T-test for hypothesis testing. From this study, there was not significant correlation between acquisition strategy and improvement of operating performance of the acquiring firm. The ROA, ROE, PM, EPS, Cash Flow Return on Assets. Cash Flow Return From Sales and Cash Flow Return On Average Ordinary Shareholder’s Equity after acquisition were relatively the same in comparison with the ones before acquisition. The findings of this study suggest that acquiring firms should be careful if they are going to take over other firms. Remember than if other firms, they will face changes in firms size asset structure firm growth earning volatility, and stock volatility. Those changes can affect the shareholders’ wealth of the company.
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Victor Siagian
11 p.
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Wahyu Subono
6 p.
consumer satisfaction
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Ina Primiana
10 p.
total quality management
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Ira Miranda
Insurance ; Management
This study examines how perceived value, affective commitment, calculative commitment and brand equity will influence customers loyalty intentions in industry. The data collected from sample of 102 companies as customers of an insurance provider, indicate that : perceived value has a positive and strong impact to both affective and calculative and significant impact on loyalty intentions. The applications in management of financial service especially in insurance that increasing and maintaining work performance and perceived of fairness in payment will increasing customer perception of company’s image/value and it will influence customer commitment as well as in influence of loyalty intentions of customers.
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Asep Hermawan
6 p.
corporate social performance
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Fauziyah Hayati Syahir
3 p.
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Danny Indrianto
24 p.
local economy development ; sidoarjo east java
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Willy Arafah
16 p.
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24 p.
demand ; supply
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Prima Naomi
The study is conducted in order to understand any aspects effecting Paramadina University students’ entrepreneurial intention. The intention is measured by using planner behavior theory approach. The subject of the study are 238 students of Paramadina University who have taken entrepreneurship course. The sampling technique used in the study is the proportional cluster sampling. The data analysis are done by using descriptive statistic analysis and multi-regression analysis. The results of the study show that the entrepreneurial intention of the students of Paramadina University is moderately high and all variables show the significant effects toward the intention. The result strengthens some previous studies which have given practical and theoretical implications. Theoretically the results also state that perceived behavior control is the least affecting aspect related in entrepreneurial intention. The specific result of the research is the highest effect of subjective norms toward students’ entrepreneurial intention.
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Dessy Isfianadewi
2 p.
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Sri Vandayulit Riorini
16 p.
customer satisfaction
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Conventional Bank ; Sharia Bank
This research seeks to know the efficiency level at conventional bank (BNI, Mandiri Bank, Lippo Bank, and Bukopin Bank) and sharia bank (Indonesia Muamalat and Sharia Mandiri Bank) using monetary data at each bank period from March 2002 to March 2007. Stochastic Frontier method and value of Operating Expenses to Earnings of Operational are used to measure the efficiency level of all banks. Furthermore, Granger Causality test was also used to examine the causality between efficiency level and the health level of bank, this research found that the average efficiency level assessed with operating expenses to earning of operating for Sharia Banks is 84.47 %, while for conventional banks is 83.47%. the results are quite different if we use Stochastic Frontier method, which give 130.75 for sharia banks and 95.47% for conventional banks.n
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Yvonne Augustine S.
12 p.
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Yosephina E. Purba
2 p.
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Wakhid Slamet Ciptono
19 p.
customer satisfaction
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Thoby Mutis
4 p.
market ; economic
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